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Ambulance worker set to climb Snowdon for charity

Colin Read

A Welsh Ambulance Service worker is lacing up his boots to trek up Wales’ tallest peak – Snowdon in aid of the Wales Air Ambulance.

Colin Read, 33, from Swansea was inspired to fundraise for the Charity after seeing the first-hand work of Wales Air Ambulance.

Colin who works in the 999 Emergency Call Centre in Carmarthenshire as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher, whose aim is to become a paramedic, said: “I have particular interest in the incredible skills available to the people of Wales because of our Wales Air Ambulance team. I’d love to join the team someday as a Critical Care Practitioner.

“When I joined the Welsh Ambulance Service, I was utterly mind-blown to find out that the Wales Air Ambulance is funded entirely by donations! £11.2 million each year is required to keep this critical service operational, which is both a testament to the generosity of the people, and equally terrifying to think that without such kindness, we wouldn’t have the service. I chose to raise money for the Wales Air Ambulance because I want to do my bit to keep them in the air and on the road.”

Colin is looking forward to the hike. He has set himself the fundraising target of £1,000 and has so far raised a fantastic £850. When Colin has reached his target, he will set a date to climb the mountain.

Reflecting on the hike, he continued: “It will be challenging, but I’ve got the support of friends and family, a few of whom have decided to take part in the hike with me. I’ve never been to Snowdon; I love an adventure and I’m excited to get to see it for myself.”

Laura Coyne, Wales Air Ambulance’s Community Fundraising Manager said: “Good luck to Colin in his attempt to climb Snowdon. It is wonderful to hear that after seeing the work of our team through his job that he would one day like to become a critical care practitioner.

“Thank you for choosing our charity to fundraise for, people like Colin help us to maintain our lifesaving service. On behalf of everybody at Wales Air Ambulance, and everybody across Wales who will benefit from this fundraising, I would like to say thank you and good luck.”

Wales Air Ambulance is consultant-led, taking hospital-standard treatments to the patient and, if required, transferring them directly to the most appropriate hospital for their illness or injury. For the patient, this can mean hours saved when compared to standard care and is proven to greatly improve survival and early recovery.

It is delivered via a unique Third Sector and Public Sector partnership. The Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service (EMRTS) supplies highly skilled NHS consultants and critical care practitioners who work on board the Charity’s vehicles.

As a pan-Wales service, the dedicated air ambulance crews, regardless of where they are based, will travel the length and breadth of the country to deliver emergency lifesaving care.

Jonathan Edwards, Assistant Director of Operations (Resourcing & EMS Coordination) at the Welsh Ambulance Service said: “It’s fantastic to see Colin taking on such a worthwhile challenge. The Wales Air Ambulance charity is a fantastic service which makes such a huge difference to the lives of the people of Wales.

“I know this is something close to Colin’s heart and I’m sure he will achieve his ultimate aim of becoming a paramedic in the future.”

If you’d like to show your support to Colin, you can do so by donating to his JustGiving page ‘Climbing Snowdon for Wales Air Ambulance’ www.justgiving.com/page/colin-read-1713218347321