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Animation student features in Lego Star Wars film festival

Amy McCrellis

A short film by University of South Wales (USW) Animation student Amy McCrellis has been selected from thousands across the world to celebrate 25 years of Lego Star Wars.

Amy, 20, from Northern Ireland, is in her second year of the BA (Hons) 2D and Stop Motion Animation course at USW.

Her film, Initiating Reboot, is now part of the Lego Star Wars 25-second film festival, which includes the best 25-second fan films from animators who have recreated their top Star Wars moments with their favourite Lego minifigures.

Amy’s film is available to watch her:

“I’m a massive Star Wars fan and have always loved Lego, so when my lecturer [Sarah Strickett] told us about this competition, I just knew I had to go for it,” said Amy.

“The film took around 3-4 weeks to make, alongside my uni work, but it was a really enjoyable process. I knew that even if it didn’t get selected, it would still be a great experience to add to my portfolio.

“I felt completely overwhelmed and honoured to have been selected for the 25-second film festival, especially as only a maximum of 1,000 films would be chosen across the whole world.

“The first thing I did was call my parents and brother to tell them, as they’re also massive Star Wars fans and helped me so much when I was running my ideas past them. The whole thing feels like a dream come true!

“I chose to study at USW after a fantastic tour of the facilities on campus and speaking to lecturers about the course. It felt like the right fit for me; somewhere I could really meet my potential.

“After graduating, I’m planning to return to USW to study the MA in Animation and then go into the 2D animation industry.”