
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Cardiff renews its White Ribbon commitment

Cardiff Council has renewed its White Ribbon accreditation for a third time, underlining a commitment to ending men’s violence against women.

In a special event at Cardiff Castle yesterday, the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Cllr Graham Hinchey accepted a plaque celebrating the achievement from Anthea Sully, Chief Executive of White Ribbon UK.

White Ribbon is a global campaign that encourages people, and especially men and boys, to individually and collectively take action and change the behaviour and culture that leads to abuse and violence. To wear a white ribbon is to promise to never to commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.

To achieve the accreditation for a third time, the Council has developed and committed to deliver a comprehensive action plan to change the cultures that lead to abuse and violence and promote gender equality.

Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Cllr Hinchey said: “I’m very proud to accept the plaque from White Ribbon UK today, a tangible demonstration of our commitment to not only raising awareness of violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence but to challenging and addressing the attitudes and behaviours that enable it to flourish.”

The celebration was the start of a series of events leading up to United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls, more commonly known as White Ribbon Day on Friday, November 25, and continuing on to December 8.

As well as a number of workshops and training opportunities for professionals in the sector, events such as a candlelit vigil, march and church services will take place during the week that the public can attend.

Once again, the flowerbed outside Cardiff Castle will be planted in the shape of a White Ribbon and the Castle keep will be illuminated with a White Ribbon later in the week.

The Council’s White Ribbon Ambassador and Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Modernisation, Cllr Chris Weaver, said: “The Council was first awarded White Ribbon status back in in 2014 and we have been working hard over the years to raise awareness of the issues, services and support available.

“The consequences of domestic abuse and sexual violence against women and girls can be far reaching and have a serious impact on all aspects of victims’ lives and their families’ lives so this week, I encourage people to show their support for this  important cause by wearing a white ribbon and pledging to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women in any form.”