
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Ceredigion council tax premiums to start in 2024

(Adobe Stock)

Council Tax premiums on second home and long-term empty properties in Ceredigion will change from April 2024 onwards.

This comes following an extensive public consultation, which received over 1,400 responses.

The results of the consultation formed part of a report presented to a Cabinet meeting on 05 December 2023 and then a Full Council meeting on 14 December 2023.

The following decisions were made by Full Council on 14 December 2023:

Long-term empty properties:

The existing 25% Council Tax Premium will increase, with effect from 01/04/24, to:

  1. 100% for Properties that have been Long Term Empty Properties for up to and including 5 years.
  2. 150% for Properties that have been Long Term Empty Properties for over 5 years and up to and including 10 years.
  3. 200% for Properties that have been Long Term Empty Properties for over 10 years.

with all time periods including the initial continuous period of 12 months for a dwelling to become defined as a ‘Long Term Empty Property’ by virtue of it being unoccupied and substantially unfurnished.

Second Homes:

The existing 25% Council Tax Premium will increase to:

  1. 100% to take effect from 01/04/24 and then
  2. 150% to take effect from 01/04/25.

Councillor Bryan Davies, Leader of Ceredigion County Council, said: “The decision taken today is the culmination of a long period of consultation, discussion and evidence gathering. I trust that the change will be a positive step forward in tackling long-term empty properties, with the hope of ensuring that there is a good supply of housing available on the market for our local people. The premium on second homes also echoes similar rates in our neighbouring counties, meaning that Ceredigion would not become an exception in terms of low rates along the Welsh coast.”