
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Changes That Create Privacy At Your Property

One should feel comfortable and safe in their home. Part of that assurance comes through making the space feel more private.

After all, strange intrusions can sometimes occur in the home space, and while it should be expected that people won’t show up and stare uninvited, sometimes more needs to be done on the homeowner’s side. There’s no better way to double down on your wish for privacy than making a few adjustments to your property.

So, what changes should you make? Which sends a clear message to the people around you? Read on for some ideas.

Glass Doors

Glass doors can establish privacy on your property effectively. While you might worry about them being see-through, there are options that obscure views between rooms rather well. Companies like Go Glass can help you find the right single glass sliding door. The following options should be chosen if you favour privacy design obscure, sandblasted, or the aptly named design privacy. There’s only a two-week wait for any UK delivery address, too, so you can prompt in having these doors fitted. Prices are fair and affordable as well.

You may wonder about the point of switching doors if your current installations aren’t see-through. Some may have keyholes that nosy people might stick their heads through. Moreover, they look fairly standard – the first instinct for people is to open them. By comparison, an obscured glass door can indicate more pointedly to strangers that what’s on the other side isn’t for their eyes.

Door Signs

Few things get a message across like a good sign. It’s a classic strategy of getting people to go away. You can contact your local council for these signs, so don’t make your own. You can print off their sign in a PDF format; that way, your request will be more official and enforceable. One look at these, and any reasonable door-to-door seller will leave you alone. Even visitors who failed to call ahead may think twice before stopping by.

It’s possible to use signs to fool people too. For example, if you hang a sign that bears the words’ beware of the rottweiler’ on your doors or garden gates, there is a good chance nosey individuals won’t dare step foot on your property. Even if you don’t have a dog, those that don’t know you will be none the wiser. Of course, rottweilers can be good boys and girls, but sometimes leaning into stereotypes can be helpful!

Taller Garden Fences

Garden fences are for more than just marking the borders of your property. They can also function similarly to walls – warding away other people’s unwanted gazes and presences. For these aims, installing the tallest solid fence panels you can find is best. You won’t find any gaps between the pales and slats, so everyone in your household will be well shielded. They’re even dubbed as ‘privacy panels’ due to their efficiency in the role.

That said, these measures have a downside; tall fence panels can be rather unsightly, especially if they’re right around the border of your garden. It’s recommended that you dress them up with charming borders or delightful terraces to give them a bit of colour and character, at least on the property side.

Creative Landscaping

You could do more than spruce up a fence. You could landscape to create more privacy around your property instead. Planting tall shrubs is a good idea. That way, you have all the wonders of nature to enjoy around your garden. Creatures may come to call your shrubs and bushes home, giving them an extra bit of dynamic appeal in walling off your property.

People may be able to see through some types of shrubbery, so it’s best to research those that restrict that possibility the best. You’ll also need to consider the time it takes to grow them because waiting overlong for privacy is counterintuitive. Beautyberry, lilac, pyracantha, and forsythia are all fast-growing shrubs that make for effective screening and should suit your purposes.

Soundproof Desired Rooms

Soundproofing doesn’t just keep sound out. It can also keep sound in, too. If you’re engaging in private work calls or wish to record music on your property without others overhearing, soundproofing your workplaces is a great idea. Cover the entry points of external sound with blankets. Gaps around the doors should be sealed. Rubber weatherstripping can be applied to those goals. Double-glazed windows may also help.

Fit acoustic and foam panels to the walls to contain your noise. Thick curtains and heavy rugs can also soak up the sound, too. Some types of the former are specially designed to be sound barriers, so shop around for them. Hard surfaces, like tile, laminate, and wooden floors, must be covered.

These projects don’t have to be enormous, costly renovation efforts either. Rearranging furniture can be effective at suppressing sound. Move the heaviest items, like dressers, wardrobes, and bookcases, and place them against walls that back to your hallways or the outside. After that, you should be pleased with the results.