
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Common Uncomfortable Symptoms that Come with Age (and How to Reduce Them)

Everyone who is lucky has the chance to grow old. It’s a blessing – to be able to live a long life until you are older and wiser and able to enjoy your senior days. Unfortunately, it’s not always smooth sailing, as, with more candles on the birthday cake, you may also notice some uncomfortable symptoms. Discover some of the most common symptoms that come with age below and what you can do about them.

A Loss of Physical Strength

You might have been strong, energetic, and fit in your early days, but you’ll notice that it reduces as the clock ticks by. That’s because the natural aging process creates a loss of muscle mass, causing a decline in physical strength.

While you might not be able to get in the same shape as you were in your 20s, you can incorporate some exercises to build your strength and stay strong for longer. Pilates, swimming, water aerobics, and yoga are great workouts for older adults.


When you get older, you may start noticing pain in areas you might not have had it before. All those aches and pains seem to creep up on you over the years until you don’t even know when they started! It’s important not to ignore pain – see your doctor if anything is out of the ordinary.

Chronic pain may be an issue, and there are ways to treat it. Your doctor can put you in the right direction. If nothing is working, it’s worth pointing out that medical cannabis has been legalized in the UK since 2018 and is entirely legal in many US states. While it should be noted that there is currently no concrete evidence that cannabis reduces pain, some people benefit from it. The process of getting Medical Cannabis may be lengthy (you must have tried other treatments before), but it can be more than worth it if it helps you manage.

An Aging Appearance

You can usually tell someone’s age (or at least give a close enough guess) just by looking at them. That’s because a person’s appearance changes throughout their life. Teenagers look different to people in their twenties, people in their twenties look different to those in their forties, and so on! Getting older means facing changes to your physical appearance, which can be stressful for some. You may notice:

  • A change in weight
  • Wrinkles
  • Age spots
  • Thinning hair
  • Gray/white hair
  • Sagging skin

While there is no way to turn back the clock, you can age gracefully by establishing a hydrating skincare routine and living a healthy lifestyle. Certain non-surgical procedures, such as chemical peels and laser skin resurfacing, can also help you regain youthful skin.

Worsened Eye Sight

Even if you have never needed prescription glasses, you may find yourself squinting at menus or road signs as you age. A decline in your eyesight is natural. However, it’s also important to take note of more extreme symptoms like clouded vision, as this could indicate cataracts.

If your vision has declined over the years, see an optician who can rule out any problems and provide a glasses prescription. You may also want to take precautions regarding your eyesight, such as strong UV-blocking sunglasses.

Aging well means embracing change. However, minimizing the symptoms above can help you feel healthier and more confident as the years go by.