
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Council seeks views on Private Sector Housing Renewal and Disabled Adaptations Policy

Caerphilly Council

Caerphilly County Borough Council is currently developing a new Private Sector Housing Renewal and Disabled Adaptations Policy and is seeking the views of residents and stakeholders.

The new policy will set out the Council’s priorities for private sector housing and include plans to deliver financial assistance products to help private owners (including private sector landlords) and contract holders (formerly known as tenants) to repair, maintain or adapt their homes. It also provides information on the Council’s approach to improving the energy efficiency of homes.

A consultation period will be held between 14th December 2023 and 7th February 2024 for people to share their views and have their say on the proposed policy. This can be done by visiting this page.

For further information or for anyone who would like to be involved in the development of the strategy, please contact the Council at [email protected]or by calling 01443 811378.