
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

GCSE success for the young people of Merthyr Tydfil

Young people across Merthyr Tydfil have been collecting their GCSE results today – the first cohort to sit formal exams since 2019.

Geraint Thomas, Council leader, said “It was a privilege to visit all the secondary schools this morning and share the excitement with our young people as they received their results. This cohort have experienced so much disruption during the past two years, and to have achieved what they have is all credit to their resilience and to the teachers and parents who have supported them. We instigated a Raising Aspirations Raising Standards strategy in Autumn 2020 and are pleased to see the ambitions of this strategy already bearing fruit.”

Sue Walker Director of Education commented, “the last two years have been challenging for everyone, particularly our young people as there have been so many challenges for them as they had to learn not only skills in their subject areas but also different skills in how to access their learning. All credit must go to them for their resilience, strength, and sheer determination to achieve their results today. I would also like to thank the staff across all the schools who have worked so hard to support the young people and ensure that they have had the best teaching and learning experiences possible over the last two years.”

Michelle Jones Portfolio Lead for Education also commented, “I am so pleased to see the good results the young people have achieved, despite the challenging few years they have had. It is wonderful to see that their hard work has paid off and I wish them every success as they go onto further education, employment or training.”