
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

How to get through a wedding alcohol free

Weddings are an occasion of celebration and for many, one of the most exciting factors of one is the free booze. Naturally, for an alcoholic or someone wanting to give up the substance, this can be a real nightmare.

While someone may be deeply passionate about celebrating the union of a couple, temptation can often be all too much and many alcoholics have fallen off the wagon during a wedding, leaving that visit to alcohol rehab in all but tatters.

However, many people who have gone through the treatment process have also navigated their way through weddings successfully and alcohol free. So, how can you do it?

Give yourself time and space

There will be alcohol at a wedding, and lots of it. That’s only natural, so you need to build up to a wedding and give yourself the time and space to be around it and not succumb to temptation.

Give yourself plenty of time before the wedding to ensure that you are ready for the occasion and while at the wedding make sure you’ve got some space to enter if things start to get too much.

Is there an alcohol free table?

You may find that there is an alcohol free table at a wedding, which is the perfect environment to surround yourself in. You probably won’t be the only one trying to stay sober at a wedding, particularly a larger one, so a table that is alcohol free will not only sure you’re fed and watered without the booze, but also you’ll have a mini support network to see each other through.

Just go to the ceremony itself

If you think the temptation will be too much at the reception, just go to the service, where the only alcohol that may be there will be a toast of champagne. And even then there will be alcohol free alternatives.

Explain to the bride and groom that you think the reception and party elements may be too much for you and that you are suffering from addiction or in need of avoiding alcohol. They will understand that and appreciate you making the effort by turning up to the service, especially if you have travelled a distance.

Have an exit strategy

If you do decide to go to the reception too, give yourself an exit strategy if temptation feels like it’s getting the better of you. If you drive, ensure you take your car so that you can make a swift exit, or order an early taxi to take you home before you start to see the alcohol really starting to flow.

It’s never easy to visit these kind of events when in recovery, but if you have a solid plan and are organised enough, you can avoid temptation and ensure you have a celebratory time with the bride and groom.