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New grant scheme for Swansea businesses with growth plans

Grant funding is now available for Swansea businesses looking to grow by introducing a new product or service.

The growth grant offers 50% of project costs up to a maximum of £50,000 and £5,000 per job created or protected.

Run by Swansea Council, the grant is part of the business support anchor project being funded by the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund.

Eligible spending that could qualify for the growth grant includes plant, machinery and other equipment.

Telecoms hardware and IT system spending could also be eligible, along with the costs of furniture and general office equipment, specialist training or software, specialist consultancy services, the installation of machinery, delivery costs of equipment, and quality assurance certification.

Cllr Robert Francis-Davies, Swansea Council’s Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Regeneration and Tourism, said: “Our businesses are at the heart of Swansea’s economy, so it’s key that we continue to do all we can to support them.

“They’re important not just because of the jobs they create for local people, but also because they help boost the vibrancy and individuality of communities throughout the city.

“As well as this growth grant which is aimed at established businesses, a number of other grant schemes have been launched too.

“These grants are vital because we know entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes often need financial help to either set-up in the first place or continue to grow and thrive in future.”

Email [email protected] for further details and to request a growth grant application form.