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Police officers and staff recognised for outstanding work

Credit: South Wales Police

olice officers and staff who have gone the extra mile were recognised at the South Wales Police Crime and Criminal Justice awards.

The event showcased examples of how officers and staff across all departments protect the public from organised crime, investigate complex homicides and support families of those who have died in the most horrific circumstances.

There was recognition for those who have committed their entire working life to policing and others who perform vital investigative roles, such as analysts, communications data investigators, staff from the Joint Scientific Investigation Unit and the Digital Forensic Unit.

Among those recognised were the teams of detectives who investigated the murder of Tomasz Waga and the manslaughter of June Fox-Roberts; teams who dismantled organised crime groups and recovered criminal assets in operations such as Operation Leven and Operation Malachite, and the team who investigated the Operation Arbus kidnap.

Detective Chief Superintendent Ceri Hughes, head of Crime and Criminal Justice said:

“The awards represent a fraction of the fantastic work that teams across the force do each day and recognise those who go above and beyond in what they do to serve our communities. The accounts of the achievements we heard on the night were inspirational.

“From complex murder and financial investigations to kidnap and abuse of vulnerable people, the event showcased the brilliant work of South Wales Police officers and staff in pursuing criminals, protecting the vulnerable and supporting victims and their families in some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable.

“It was also a chance for us to recognise staff and officers who vitally support investigations across the force as well as those who were honoured for lifetime achievement and leadership of their teams.”