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120 volunteers plant trees at Wyllie Woodlands and Park Cwm Darran

Credit: Caerphilly Council

In collaboration with our Public Services Board partners, GAVO, National Resources Wales and Keep Wales Tidy, Caerphilly County Borough Council held two successful volunteer planting weeks in March at Wyllie Woodlands and Parc Cwm Darran.

Over 120 volunteers planted nearly 3000 trees across both sites. Tree species were chosen to reflect local provenance alongside identifying species that would be the most adaptable to a changing climate. Oak, Hawthorn, Maple, Sycamore and Alder were amongst a range of tree species planted.

Volunteers came from far and wide to support the tree planting including individuals from the local community, local councillors and local businesses including Target Financial Services, DS, Kearnes Solicitors, DWP, IG, ONS, CAF Rolling Stock Ltd, Caerphilly People First, Admiral Group, Aneurin Bevan Health Board and RS Group.

The Decarbonisation Team have been working with teams from Countryside, Parks, Housing, Property and Infrastructure to identity areas of Council owned land that are suitable for tree planting projects in order to achieve the commitment made to becoming a Net Zero Local Authority by 2030. As trees grow, they absorb carbon helping to balance the Council’s carbon emissions footprint.

Matthew Moniford, a volunteer, commented, “I very much enjoyed it – thank you very much for the opportunity. The weather was horrible when I went to Park Cwm Darran and I got so muddy but I still enjoyed it and look forward to next year’s planting”.

The Decarbonisation Team would like to thank all of those involved with making both events a success, in particular the volunteers who planted trees in difficult conditions.

A big thank you was given to Castell Howell for donating refreshments and Robert Price.