
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

6 Home Projects to Take On For The Summer

Summer is finally here. Those extra daylight hours and warm temperatures make this the perfect season to tackle some of those home improvement projects you’ve been dreaming about. Whether you’re aiming for a full-scale renovation or just want to freshen up your space, here are some projects you might consider this summer.

Refresh Your Front Door

First impressions matter, and your front door is the first thing guests see when they visit your home. A fresh coat of paint or a new door can drastically change the look of your house.

Choose a colour that complements the exterior of your house but also makes a bold statement. For a budget-friendly option, consider using medium-density fibreboard (MDF) shaker doors. They are durable, less expensive than hardwood, and can be painted any colour you like. You can source MDF cut to size boards from experts online, as well as in person.

Remember to keep the surrounding area in mind when planning this project. Consider upgrading your house numbers, the mailbox, or adding some potted plants for a warm, welcoming entrance.

Landscape Your Yard

Bring nature closer to home with a well-planned landscaping project. You don’t have to be a professional gardener to create a beautiful outdoor space. Start by mowing the lawn, weeding, and planting some colourful flowers or shrubs. Consider adding a walkway or a seating area where you can relax and enjoy the fresh air.

Landscaping is more than just a cosmetic update; it can also add value to your property. Consider incorporating native plants to attract local wildlife, creating a vibrant and eco-friendly yard. Just remember to maintain it regularly to keep your home looking its best.

Declutter and Organize

A clean, organized home is a happy home. As the saying goes, “Out with the old, in with the new,” and this is especially true when it comes to clutter. Dedicate some time this summer to sort through those items you no longer need or use. You’d be surprised at the extra space you can find, not to mention the peace of mind that comes with having a neat and organized home.

You can start by focusing on one room at a time, sorting items into categories such as keep, toss, donate, or sell. To keep the clutter at bay, consider investing in some storage solutions. Use shelves, baskets, or drawers to keep items organized and easy to find.

Summer is the perfect time to embrace the great outdoors, add some curb appeal, or give your interior a much-needed refresh. Remember, the goal of any home project should be to create a space you love. So, take a deep breath, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to dive into your summer home projects.

Paint a Room or Two

Transform your space with colour. Painting a room can dramatically change its feel and ambiance, making it one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to give your home a facelift. Whether it’s a serene blue for a bedroom, a vibrant yellow for the kitchen, or a bold red for the living room, colours can dramatically alter our mood and perception of a space.

Don’t limit yourself to walls either. Painting old furniture can bring a new lease of life into the piece and the room. If you have an old cabinet or dresser, consider upgrading it with a fresh coat of paint and perhaps those MDF shaker doors we discussed earlier. They are a fantastic way to renovate furniture and can easily be tailored to your aesthetic with the right choice of paint colour.

Build a DIY Fire Pit

Create a cozy gathering spot. Having a fire pit in your backyard is like having your personal campground. It’s an excellent place for family and friends to gather, share stories, roast marshmallows, or just enjoy the summer evenings.

A DIY fire pit is a project you can complete in a weekend, and it doesn’t require much in terms of materials. You’ll need some stones or bricks, a few bags of gravel, and a metal fire ring for safety. Remember to check local ordinances and codes to ensure you’re allowed to have a fire pit and that it’s situated a safe distance from any structures or trees.

Create an Outdoor Dining Area

Al fresco dining, anyone? One of the pleasures of summer is enjoying meals outdoors. If you don’t already have a designated outdoor dining area, why not create one? A dining area can be as simple as a picnic table in the yard, or as elaborate as a fully-furnished patio complete with a grill, sink, and mini-fridge.

Think about how you intend to use the space. If you frequently entertain, you’ll need a large table and plenty of seating. Consider adding a pergola or umbrella to protect guests from the sun. An outdoor rug can help define the space, and outdoor lighting will extend its usability into the evening.

Whether your home improvement ambitions are big or small, there’s a summer project waiting for you. Not only will these projects improve your home’s appearance and functionality, but they’ll also provide a great sense of accomplishment.