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Brilliant response to chef’s jackets appeal to support virus care staff

A carer wears a mask made from a chef’s jacket.

Chefs across the UK have been praised for their “brilliant” response to an appeal by the Culinary Association of Wales (CAW) for surplus chef’s jackets which can be made into masks and other items for care workers to use on the front-line fight against Coronavirus.

Arwyn Watkins, CAW president, launched the appeal on social media to co-ordinate chefs’ practical response to the pandemic. He says demand for the jackets is far outstripping supply.

“Chefs jackets are the perfect material to be made into masks, scrubs bags, headbands and caps for front line staff in care homes and working in the community,” he explained.

“We have jackets coming in from across the UK and many are brand new, made for competitions that are unable to be held because of the lockdown. Demand for jackets is far outstripping supply.

“Some chefs who work in colleges are very frustrated because they want to support the appeal, but their surplus jackets are locked away in places they are unable to access. The response has been brilliant.

“The jackets are made from material that’s ideal because its workwear that withstands a high heat for sterilisation and washing.”

Chefs are being asked to post their clean, spare jackets to: Trailhead Fine Foods, Unit 13 Severn Farm Enterprise Park, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 7DF, where they are collected and distributed to people who convert them into valuable items for front line staff.

Alternatively, chefs who have access to a sewing machine, are being encouraged to make the items themselves for carers in their community after receiving instruction.

Mr Watkins expects more than 200 jackets to be donated to the appeal, which has spread on social media around the globe via the Worldchefs organisation. Several countries, including Brazil, are now copying the appeal.

In addition to the appeal, the CAW is keeping the wider public entertained with social media videos by chefs showing how to produce delicious Welsh Lamb dishes during the lockdown. Dishes using Welsh Beef, pork and other meats will follow.

Follow the series of videos at https://www.facebook.com/CulinaryAssociationofWales.CymdeithasCoginiolCymru on Facebook.