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Essential Tips and Advice on How to Hire the Best Android Developers

Android is considered the most widely used mobile operating system across the globe, whereby it has been utilised by numerous businesses to reach new customers, increase efficiency, and resolve issues for their clients. As a result, having an Android developer on your team is essential for building successful products.

What is an Android Developer?

An Android developer is a software engineer who develops applications (“apps”) for the Android operating system, followed by distributing them on the Google Play Store so that they can be accessed by Android users. At the point of writing, it comes as no surprise that Android developers have designed applications for millions of Android users across multiple devices and platforms.

In essence, these developers often work for software development firms and employ their technical and analytical skills to build apps that address specific business needs.

Key Skills Required for Top-Quality Android Developers

Building winning mobile applications demands specific skills, in-depth knowledge, and practical experience. With that in mind, industry-leading Android developers ought to comprehend the business requirements, possess the technical abilities, and have a clear understanding of how to build an app that generates revenue by fulfilling certain business requirements.

Therefore, it is imperative for companies should consider these essential developer skills when hiring Android developers for their respective app projects:

Proficiency in Programming Languages

Generally speaking, Java and Kotlin are the two main programming languages used for Android app development. Thus, Android developers must have a solid understanding of these programming languages, including core concepts, syntax, multithreading and concurrency, frameworks, functional programming, as well as generics.

Expertise in Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

In essence, APIs connect apps with third-party services or apps. For instance, Google APIs can be used to locate users, assist with local searches, or integrate maps into your app. With that, Android developers must have a strong knowledge of APIs to build seamless and functional applications.

Familiarity With Android Software Development Kit (SDKs)

An experienced Android developer must be familiar with the use of tools such as Android Studio and other Android development tools like layouts, views, as well as the activity life cycle. Besides that, they should also have the ability to troubleshoot code errors by using the integrated development environment debugger.

Knowledge of Database Management

In developing mobile applications, handling large amounts of data is crucial and requires interaction with a database that is separate from the smartphone. With that in mind, many Android developers tend to utilise Firebase to store data in the cloud, thereby enabling it to be accessible across various devices. In addition, the developer’s ability to work with an SQLite database is essential for apps that require offline functionality for their users.

Understanding of Software Development Life Cycle and Business Protocols

All in all, an Android developer must have a strong understanding of the software development life cycle and the reasoning behind certain business decisions. Basically, this knowledge helps them to identify key features, optimise the development process, and produce a mobile app solution that fulfils all business requirements.

How Could Businesses Recruit the Right Android Developers for Their Projects

Finding the right Android app developer can be a challenge for business owners because not everyone has the technical know-how that is necessary for app development. With that, to hire Android developers for your project, here are a number of steps that you could consider:

Create a Detailed Technical Project Description

Simply put, bring together all of the key tasks and business needs into a single document that can be easily shared with potential Android developers.

Select the Right Model for Your App

There are a few different approaches to app development, including hiring an in-house team or outsourcing. Nonetheless, it would be beneficial to bear in mind that outsourcing is often a more cost-effective option and provides the company with access to a larger pool of talented Android developers.

Utilise Multiple Recruitment Channels

In general, it would be a good idea for recruiters to cast a wide net when searching for Android developers by using various recruitment methods, such as online job boards, personal networks, and remote developer vendors.

Alternatively, companies could also consider working with Deazy, a technology development platform that provides cost-effective, adaptable, and scalable services to meet the expanding needs of its clients.

Conduct Technical Interviews

In essence, shortlist potential developers by organising technical interviews as well as reviewing their programming portfolios and client reviews.

Negotiate Compensation and Company Benefits

Once you have identified a suitable Android developer candidate, negotiate their salary and benefits within your company’s budget. Nevertheless, it is crucial to keep in mind that top Android developers are often highly sought after, so you may need to be prepared to offer a higher salary than originally expected.

Finalise the Agreement

Finalise all details related to the app development project, including the time frame, format of meetings, and security measures. Other than that, make sure to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and discuss any security concerns before kickstarting the app development project.

A Guide to Avoiding the Expensive Consequence of Mis-Hiring an Android Developer

Mis-hiring an Android developer can result in wasted time, energy, and resources, leaving you with an unqualified individual. To prevent this, companies could consider the following when making their hiring decisions:

Evaluate Their Portfolio on Google Play

Top Android developers should have at least one application on Google Play that they have worked on. Besides that, recruiters ought to ask to see their portfolio and assess their level of real-world work experience. In addition, make sure the candidate is familiar with the proper process of uploading apps to Google Play. Not to mention the number of published apps may also provide some insight into their genuine passion for building Android applications.

Assess Their Ability to Meet Deadlines

All in all, employing a paid-trial method to evaluate their work style and ability to complete tasks within the given time frame can be an excellent idea. This is because Android development requires the ability to manage multiple tasks and meet project deadlines. Thus, aim to give the candidates small tasks to complete and set a deadline for each one. Generally speaking, expert Android developers usually finish on time, or even ahead of schedule, to allow for additional app modifications or bug fixes.

Consider Their Communication Skills

During the recruitment process, it would be a good idea to take note of how often the candidate updates you on important milestones in the project. Besides that, ask for regular updates or only in the event of significant updates or setbacks. Moreover, make sure that they are able to meet your communication expectations and provide detailed information. Overall, working with an Android developer who lacks proper communication skills can hinder collaboration and cause delays in your app development project.

The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, it is crucial for businesses with software projects to hire the right Android developer or team of developers because Android is the world’s most widely-used mobile operating system. Therefore, whether you are starting from scratch to create an Android app for your business or converting an existing iOS app to Android, an experienced Android developer would be an essential talent to bring your project to fruition.