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Everything Worth Knowing About White Tea

White tea is a kind of tea that comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. The white fuzz on the young leaves helps to protect the new growth of the tea plant against insects, giving it its name. Because it is hand-picked for only a few months out of the year, white tea is typically more costly than other teas. If you’re thinking about white tea online, here’s some interesting facts worth knowing about it.

What Is White Tea?

Young, springtime tea leaves from the Fujian province of China make up white tea. The dried tea has withered tiny leaves and buds that appear somewhat fuzzy. It is typically light gold in colour with a floral scent when prepared. The flavour of white tea is determined by the variety, although it can be woody, sweet, or floral with light fruity undertones. It’s usually less harsh and stronger than black tea when prepared correctly.

Camellia sinensis, or the tea plant, is the source of all tea (black, green, white, and oolong). The wide variety of characteristics displayed by these types of teas is determined by where the plant is grown; when the tea is picked; and how it is processed and dried after picking. The leaves of black tea are picked in Fujian from mid-March through early April.


White tea is generally consumed freshly prepared and hot. Sweeteners and milk are rarely added because of their mild taste, and it is frequently served alone or with a light meal. This delicate hot tea may be enjoyed in the morning or afternoon as a delicious break from your routine.

How to Enjoy White Tea

White tea should be steeped at a low temperature in order to preserve the tea’s fresh aspects. Use pure, clean water (not distilled) that is not yet boiling, ideally 175 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit. Water boils at 212 F, so the water should be hot but not quite simmering. The length of time necessary for white teas to steep varies. Some types will become astringent and bitter if left to steep for too long, or prepared with water that’s too hot.

The amount of tea required will vary depending on the leaves—if the mixture is mostly compact buds, a teaspoon for an eight-ounce cup is enough. If the leaves are open and light, use a little less than a tablespoon per cup. Before adding any sugar or other components, taste the tea; it is likely not to require them.

White Tea Caffeine Content

The caffeine content of white tea may differ depending on where it is grown. The majority of Fujian teas have a low quantity of caffeine. A cup prepared at the correct low temperature for a short amount of time might contain as little as six milligrams of caffeine (compared to the 80 to 200 milligrams in a cup of coffee). It is lower in acidity than black tea and coffee due to the tea’s lack of oxidation, short brew time, and low caffeine content.