
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Greatest Lockdown DIY Projects You Should Do At Home

Lockdown has brought challenges never before faced by the human race. There has never been a situation like it in the history of the planet. The last time we faced something similar was in 1348 when the bubonic plague hit. Fortunately, we have evolved scientifically and have a better grasp of illnesses and how to deal with outbreaks. The way we have dealt with the Coronavirus pandemic is by placing everyone into a worldwide lockdown, no leaving the house and many people stopped working meaning there was plenty of time to do other things.

Some chose to learn a language, some took up hobbies and others turned to the DIY projects that have been left alone for years. This lockdown has been the perfect time to finish these DIY projects and in this article, we are going to take a look at a few projects you can start at home. 

Build A Garden Bar 

One of the most enjoyable projects you can start during lockdown is building an outside bar that will sit proudly in the garden. Considering the hospitality sector completely shut down it’s nice to have something close to normality in the garden. There are plenty of different designs to choose from and it’s all dependent on how much space you have. You’ll need to have a firm grasp on using power tools if you’re going to create something impressive which is why the DIY professionals from DIY Dwelling suggest having an arsenal to choose from. Knowing how to use these tools properly is essential for not only a good final product, but also your safety. It’s better to invest in something that’s going to last rather than buying something cheap and having to replace it every year. 

Create More Space With Shelving 

There are always some areas in the home that can be made better with the addition of shelving. Whether it’s a cubby hole in the living room, a full wall in the dining room, or extra space in the kitchen. With the right tools, putting up shelves is much easier than you might think. It’s worth spending a day making it look nice too. 

You’ll need to measure the area first and decide how many shelves you want to put up. From there you can order the right amount of wood and some fittings to help you with the placement. 

Make A New Coffee Table 

There are some beautiful pieces of wood you can purchase from timber merchants and online stores. A coffee table is the centerpiece of the living room and will often be a talking point if you have something impressive. The best thing about making a new coffee table is that often it won’t require a huge amount of work. It’s one of the best DIY plywood projects you can create even if you’re not a pro woodworker. You can purchase a piece of wood for the tabletop that is ready to go, all you’ll need to do is choose some table legs you like to put on the bottom combined with the right tools for the job.

These are only three options to choose from but there are hundreds of jobs you can do around the house. These are fun, there are others that aren’t so fun like resealing your bath or bleeding the radiators. If you find yourself with time then try something new, build some furniture, or something you’ll get enjoyment out of.