Following the demolition of the properties along the A472, our contractors Walters group will start site improvement works on 31 May 2023.
The works are expected to take 24 weeks.
Caerphilly Council has said to minimise traffic disruption and it is anticipated that much of the works will be carried out without the need for traffic management. Where they are required, they will be in place between 9:30am and 3pm.
Traffic signals will be in place week commencing the 5 June, for 1 week only.
During this time, the council is asking that all residents with children in the area remind them of the dangers of construction sites and ensure they do not attempt to access the works areas. Out of hours security will be in place.
The key elements of these works are as follows: –
- Alterations to gain temporary access to the works area
- Construction of a reinforced slope
- Landscaping and fencing
- New footpath construction along the newly formed area
- Removal of existing footpath
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