
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

It’s My First Trip: 10 Travel Tips For the Newbie Traveler

New to traveling? These tips will help you navigate the tricky waters of travel, from choosing the right luggage to dealing with mail while you’re away. 

The following ten travel tips will help newbies travel with confidence and ease.

Choose the right luggage

A rolling suitcase is a good option if you’re taking a long trip or traveling with heavy items.

A backpack may be a better choice if you plan to do a lot of walking. They’re also great for carrying souvenirs or extra items you pick up.

Arrange for mail while abroad

If you’re going to be gone for over a week, have your mail held or forwarded to a friend or family member.

Or set up a virtual mailbox to hold your mail while you’re away and allow you to access it online. Other benefits of a virtual mailbox include receiving packages and forwarding your mail to multiple locations.

Pack for the weather

Pack light, loose-fitting clothes if you’re traveling in a warm climate. Sunscreen and a hat are also essential. 

Pack layers, including warm clothing that you can easily take on and off for a cold climate. A scarf, gloves, and a hat will come in handy.

Label your bags

Label luggage with your name and contact information to help recover your belongings if they get lost. 

Or get an Airtag or Tile tracker, which you can put on your bags and track their location with your smartphone.

Keep a copy of your passport

Make two copies of your passport. One to take with you on your trip and one to leave home. 

You can also scan your passport and email the scanned copy to yourself, so you’ll be able to access to it even if you lose your physical copy.

Travel with insurance

Travel insurance will protect you in an emergency, such as a medical evacuation or lost luggage. 

There are many types of travel insurance. Be sure to read the fine print and choose a policy that covers your needs.

Get to know the local customs

Learning about local customs can help avoid awkward situations when traveling to a new country. 

For example, in some cultures, it’s considered impolite to refuse food or drink when offered. In others, you might need to take your shoes off before entering a home.

Learn key phrases in the local language

Learning some key phrases in the local language is handy if you’re traveling to a country where English is not the primary language.

Some basic phrases to know include “hello,” “thank you,” “please,” “excuse me,” and “I’m sorry.”

Avoid common tourist traps

There are many tourist traps worldwide, from overpriced souvenirs to scam artists.

One common tourist trap is getting ripped off by a taxi driver. Ask your hotel or hostel for a list of reputable taxi companies, or use a ride-sharing service like Uber or Lyft.

Check for travel advisories

Before you travel, check the government’s travel advisories for potential safety risks about your destination. 

The U.S. Department of State‘s travel website is an excellent resource for checking travel advisories.

Wrap up

With any luck, these ten tips will aid you when avoiding common mistakes during your travels. Have a good vacation, and remember these vital tips on your next trip.