
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

New Men’s Shed for Milford Haven Station

Transport for Wales (TfW) is thrilled to announce the opening of a new Men’s Shed at Milford Haven Station. A great use of one of TfW stations, providing a new base for community support.

Men’s Sheds are community spaces where individuals come together to make, repair and repurpose, all while supporting projects in their local communities. These spaces host mainly ‘grassroots’ community activities that respond to shared needs within the local area.

Sheds bring several health benefits, including improved wellbeing by providing communities with a way to stay social. Members (or Shedders as they’re known) reported a 96% reduction in loneliness after joining a Shed, showing just how beneficial the spaces can be and the difference they make to communities up and down the country.

While traditionally associated with older men, Men’s Sheds are inclusive environments welcoming people of all genders and backgrounds.

The new Men’s shed at Milford Haven Station will provide a place for the local community to connect and build friendships, share skills and knowledge, and reduce feelings of loneliness. The Shed is for the community, and Shedders can decide how they feel the space should be used.

Emma Collins, the Station Manager for Milford Haven said:

“I am pleased that we are able to accommodate the Men’s shed within the station at Milford Haven and support this invaluable community group and the work they do.”

Milford Haven Men’s Shed committee thanked TfW for the opportunity to provide the older community with their own ‘haven’ to create friendship and support well-being in a safe environment.

Men’s Shed at Milford Haven said:

“The Shed hope in the future that they will be able to give back to the community some of the help that they have received from TfW. Also, we would like to thank the National Lottery for funding which has made this project possible.”

“Whether it’s to do crafts or make projects or even for just dropping in for a cuppa and a chat the Men’s Shed is here for the people of the town, and we look forward to welcoming everyone.”