
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Newport Live holiday activities give back to the City

Credit: Newport Live

Newport Live’s Community Sport & Wellbeing Team delivered a huge range of holiday activities over the summer for families with children aged 3 – 18 years. Activities included Transition Camps with  secondary schools, Welly Walks for the early years, Kick About and  Summer Fit Club for young people, and Pop up Sport / Sport in the Park events for all ages- there really was something for everyone!

Community Sport & Welling program of activity complemented a wider range of summer activity, both free and subsidised, delivered by Newport Live this summer. Events and activities took place across parks, green spaces, primary and secondary schools across Newport as well as in Newport Live facilities and saw them engage with over 3,800 children, young people and families and provided 1,600 healthy packed lunches, snacks, and water.

Chloe Powton, Community Sport and Physical Activity Development Manager said: “It was great to see so many children, young people and families come along to the events to try a variety of different sports and activities, have fun and socialise with friends and other children in the community. The support we received from the Welsh Government Summer of Fun fund, Sport Wales, Newport City Homes, Melin Homes, Pobl and Linc Cymru, as well as local sports clubs and community organisations enabled us too not only increase our level of provision but signpost more people to local opportunities helping to breakdown any barriers to participation.”

“A big focus for our team again this year was helping to tackle holiday hunger in Newport, supporting families who needed a little help during the holidays.  We managed to hand out 1,600 healthy packed lunches, fruit and water over 4 weeks, to children, young people, and parents; all of which were so gratefully received and evidently needed.”

One parent whose children attended Sport in the Park at Rogerstone Welfare Ground on the 24 of August said, “It’s so great that you pay just one price (£6 for 2 children) and have access to so many activities for kids – mine haven’t stopped all day – so much so they didn’t want to leave to get ice cream! I’m so grateful for events like these which are not only are an affordable way to keep kids of all ages entertained but also give parents the chance to get some fresh air and exercise.”

The engagement and activities being provided by Newport Live over the summer, compliments year-round work to increase children, young people, and adult’s levels of physical activity, engagement in the arts, and improve their mental and emotional wellbeing. Funding received from Sport Wales, Newport City Council, the Welsh Government and the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Gwent to name but a few, have enabled Newport Live’s Community Sport & Wellbeing Team and Arts Development Team to deliver activities to get people active, to keep young people inspired, and to support families that need assistance.

Newport Live’s Community Sport & Wellbeing Team deliver sport, health and wellbeing opportunities for children, families, schools, sport clubs and communities across Newport. They strive to make a difference by encouraging people to be more physically active and support people’s mental wellbeing. The team are held in high regard locally, regionally, and nationally by partners, and continue to use sport as a tool to engage and inspire people to be happier and healthier.

As Newport Live is a charitable organisation, all of its customers and members are helping to support the delivery of community projects and activities across Newport.