
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Newport to celebrate unpaid carers in the city

This year’s Carers Week takes place between 10 and 16 June.

The focus of this year’s activity is to make sure carers are more visible in society – ensuring that that they feel seen and respected and that they can access the services and support that they need.

Over 6.5 million people in the UK are unpaid carers and it is likely that 3 in 5 of us will become unpaid carers at some point in our lives. It can be incredibly rewarding to care for a loved one and unpaid carers often say they are just being a husband, wife, mum, dad, daughter, son, friend or good neighbour.

An unpaid carer is someone who cares for a relative, friend or neighbour who couldn’t manage without their support. This could be due to illness, disability, mental ill health, substance misuse or frailty. They can be of any age – young carers might care for a relative by helping with cooking, cleaning, shopping or looking after siblings, while older carers might care for their spouse, a relative or friend.

On Thursday 13 June, between 10am and 2pm, the council will be holding a carers information and wellbeing event at The Riverfront for unpaid carers.

Organisations including Aneurin Bevan Health Board, the council’s community connectors, and the Citizens Advice Bureau will be on hand to provide information and support unpaid carers with their caring roles and wellbeing.

There will be free arts and craft activities to take part in, plus free refreshments. For more information on all of the organisations taking part visit www.newport.gov.uk/carers.

Caring does not come without challenges, and it is important that unpaid carers are supported to maintain their own wellbeing, enabling them to continue caring. To find out more about the support available email [email protected], call 01633 235650 or visit www.newport.gov.uk/carers.