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Pioneering doctor honoured for dedicated service to patients with Parkinson’s

Callum Hughes, Service Improvement Adviser at Parkinson’s UK Cymru with Dr Biju Mohamed, Consultant Geriatrician at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

A pioneering doctor has been honoured for his dedicated service to patients who have Parkinson’s.

Dr Biju Mohamed, a Consultant Geriatrician at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, was the first ever Parkinson’s UK Excellence Network Regional Lead for South Wales.

He has been presented with a special plaque by the UK Parkinson’s Excellence Network, which helps health and social care professionals provide better support for people with Parkinson’s, as he steps down from the role after 8 years.

The plaque was presented by Callum Hughes, Service Improvement Adviser at Parkinson’s UK Cymru.

The Excellence Network brings together and supports health and social care professionals to share best practice, provide resources and education, and drive improvements to services for people with Parkinson’s and their families.

During his tenure, Dr Mohamed, also developed a web app, and an accompanying website, www.myparkinsonsuk.org.uk, with the help of Parkinson’s UK Cymru, which is full of useful information and advice for people who have the condition.

Dr Mohamed, 47, said: “I have enjoyed my time as the Excellence Network Regional Lead for South Wales and acknowledge the support from colleagues across the country, especially Dr Chris Thomas and the team at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

“Its been my privilege to work with Parkinson’s UK for many years to spread best practice between health professionals and positively impact lives of people with Parkinson’s and their loved ones.

“The novel concept of the Excellence Network has made strides in bringing together clinicians and people with Parkinson’s and their loved ones. Our annual educational events and meetings under the banner of the Excellence Network foster closer working relationships between professions.

“I am encouraged by the new format of the Excellence Network and with enhanced support, I am certain we can make a huge difference to people with Parkinson’s”.

He added: “Giving the patients the necessary information, I think that’s really important, because there is a limitation to what medication and treatment can do. But I think there’s no limitation to what information can do to help people with Parkinson’s.

“The key thing is that every person with Parkinson’s is different. Having met thousands of patients with Parkinson’s over the last 20 years, no two patients have the same problems and no two solutions work the same for every patient.

“It’s a condition where you have to individualise the treatment for every patient. The more and more I learn about Parkinson’s the more and more I learn to listen to the person with Parkinson’s and tailor the care towards them.”

On behalf of the Excellence Network, Callum Hughes, Service Improvement Adviser at Parkinson’s UK Cymru said: “On behalf of everyone at Parkinson’s UK, we’d like to express our sincere thanks to Biju for all his engagement with the UK Parkinson’s Excellence Network..

“His contributions over the years have been invaluable and we appreciate all his efforts a great deal.

“Biju and his team will continue to support people with Parkinson’s and their families in his role with Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and we look forward to working closely with him to drive improvements.”