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Public urged to have say on future of waste and recycling in Pembrokeshire

Credit: Pembrokeshire Council

A draft environmental strategy, covering proposals for the future of waste and recycling, street cleansing and green spaces in Pembrokeshire has been launched by Pembrokeshire County Council.

Members of the public are invited to provide feedback on the Draft Environmental Services Strategy 2025-2030.

Over the past 20 years Pembrokeshire County Council has successfully brought in a number of changes which has regularly placed the Authority among the best performing councils in wales for recycling.

However, there is more to do and a detailed analysis of household waste undertaken in 2022 found that 48% of the materials in black bags in Pembrokeshire could be recycled.

The strategy outlines proposals surrounding improvements to recycling including the introduction of additional recycling streams at the kerbside and changes to residual waste collections (black bags).

Pembrokeshire County Council Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services, Cllr Rhys Sinnett, said: “The aim of the strategy is to review the best available options for Pembrokeshire to meet its environmental aspirations of reducing waste and encouraging recycling, reuse and repair, and improving the local environment.

“Considering your views is an essential part of the Council’s decision making process and the Council is open to ideas that households and businesses may have to help deliver the Environmental Services Strategy.”

The strategy focuses on the delivery of four key priorities:

  1. Improving prevention and reuse of our resources.
  • Reduce overall waste generated per household.
  • Enhance reuse options through Waste and Recycling Centres.
  1. Building on our recycling performance in line with the circular economy and Net Zero
  • Continue to meet statutory recycling targets.
  • Expand the kerbside recycling service to make it easier to recycle more materials at home, increase recycling, and promote material circularity.
  • Reduce the amount of residual waste, through a review of residual collections frequency and capacity (including four weekly collections), to increase recycling income and reduce disposal costs.
  1. Enhance sustainability of our streets, beaches and green spaces
  • Providing sustainable and cost-effective solutions to maintain and improve the local environment quality of the public realm and its facilities.
  • Improvements in ecological resilience through projects surrounding biodiversity preservation, improve ecosystem and adaptation to climate change through habitat protection.
  1. Engagement and compliance through behaviour change
  • Provide an effective communication and engagement programme
  • Ensure that households participate and recycle all their recyclable waste through supporting residents and businesses who struggle to recycle and manage their waste.
  • Encourage householders, businesses and visitors to recycle at home, in work and “on the go”
  • Prevent Enviro-Crime, including fly tipping and littering.

You can give your views by completing the online response form.

If you would like a paper copy please call our Customer Contact Centre on 01437 764551 or email [email protected]

The closing date for responses is February 19th, 2025.