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Reassurance patrols to increase in Flint to tackle anti-social behaviour

Credit: North Wales Police

Visible police patrols are being significantly increased in Flint in a bid to reduce anti-social behaviour.

It comes following local concerns in relation to a report of disorder in the town centre at around 7pm earlier this week (Tuesday, May 21st) where up to 20 youths were seen fighting.

The incident on Church Street resulted in the patrol Inspector authorising an immediate dispersal order covering the town centre.

The order is no longer in place.

This comes following several recent reports of a large group of youths behaving antisocially.

Flintshire North district Inspector Wesley Williams said: “I understand this ongoing and repeated anti-social behaviour is causing members of the community some fear and concern.

“Residents will be seeing an increase in visible police patrols in the town centre and surrounding areas of Flint over the coming weeks for reassurance purposes and to ensure this anti-social behaviour does not continue.”

Dispersal orders give officers and PCSOs the power to direct anybody engaging in anti-social behaviour to leave the area and not to return for up to 48hrs under Section 34 of the ASB Crime and Policing Act 2014.

Inspector Williams added: “The dispersal order put in place yesterday was to ensure staff had sufficient power to deal with any further issues. It is no longer active, but it can be immediately reinstated if any further disruption is reported.

“Our Neighbourhood Policing Team will continue to work with our businesses, partners and communities to ensure residents feel safe in their town.”

Increased patrols in Flint will come as part of Operation Restore – an enhanced operational capability funded by the Home Office to tackle anti-social behaviour hotspots across the region.

North Wales Police has recently been assigned a £1 million grant aimed specifically at eradicating anti-social behaviour and serious violence in problem areas.