
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Regardless of Occupation, Road Safety Needs to be Observed – Here’s Why

Photo by Aleksejs Bergmanis from Pexels

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a whopping six million accidents occur each year in the United States alone. 90 people die every single day as a result of vehicle accidents.

Traffic injuries, in fact, are the leading cause of death among people aged between 15 to 29 years. There is a reason; there are so many driving rules and regulations. Carelessness on the part of one person can take the innocent life of someone who might actually be following all the road safety rules. Observing road safety laws is not a choice. It is not advice, it is the LAW that everyone has to follow no matter who they are what they do.

Before taking a test to get a driver’s license everyone has to learn road safety rules and how to drive their vehicle and what do road signs mean. However, once they get their license, a lot of people pay no heed towards the road safety rules. This leads to the question: what are the worst drivers? in the country. Studies have shown that bartenders tend to be one of the worst drivers closely followed by journalists, electricians, and investment bankers. Everyone needs to realize the importance of road safety and here is why:

It is an Obligation

Humans are the most intelligent among all creatures. When you get into your car and take the wheel, it becomes your responsibility as a human being to drive safely. It should be your utmost priority no matter how late you may be getting. It is your duty to make sure that your negligence does not inflict fatal harm to someone else. Driving safely does not only protect others but also protects you. It is crucial because anything can happen in a split second when you are on the road. You are not the only one on the road. All types of people from teenagers to the elderly can be hurt due to unsafe driving.  

Your Actions Have Dire Consequences

When you ignore a traffic signal thinking that it would be fine to break it just this one time, it is certainly never fine. Imagine the toll it can take on someone’s life. And what it might do to their family. Imagine how it would affect your family if you get into a serious accident. Think of all the consequences that could occur due to one moment of weakness.

The Law

UK law defines manslaughter as the unlawful killing of a human being without premeditation. According to this law, the maximum sentence for involuntary manslaughter is life imprisonment. However, it could range from 2 to 10 years depending on the severity of the offense. A car accident that results in death and one party is found guilty could result in them going to prison. This will have a huge impact on their life. Apart from having to spend years in prison, it is not easy to recover from the trauma. A guilty conscience can tear a man’s life apart. Moreover, even when they do their time and get out of prison, it is almost impossible for a convicted felon to find a job.

Criminal Record

Reckless driving causes numerous deaths and injuries every year. Reckless driving refers to driving with no regard for the safety of yourself or others.  It does not just have physical consequences; the legal consequences are just as serious. If you happen to receive a ticket for reckless driving you will get a court date. You will have to appear before a judge where it will be decided whether you are guilty or not. If you are found guilty of reckless driving you will not only have to pay a fine, but a misdemeanor will only appear on your permanent criminal record. You will have to attend traffic school too. Furthermore, this will surely cause your insurance rates to soar higher than usual.

Photo by Aleksejs Bergmanis from Pexels

Driving safely is not something that is difficult to learn. Anyone can do it. Just remember that multi-tasking while driving is a total myth. Driving requires your complete and undivided attention. You need to get rid of all kinds of distractions. The risk of not paying attention is too high. One accident, one fraction of a second can change your whole life. Rules are set for your own safety. Become a responsible driver and teach your children the importance of following the rules and regulations. Children are the future of our country. They do not hear what you say to them but they see what you do. Teach by example. Drive safe always.