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Relocating to Portugal: The Handbook for Portuguese Living

What is the primary reason behind the growing appeal of residing in Portugal? Research indicates that British citizens are increasingly drawn to relocate to Portugal, attracted by its mild climate and affordable cost of living. Well- are these the only factors that make Portugal inherently attractive, or are there other reasons that haven’t been considered? Let’s find out together.

Why Portugal is the Perfect Place for Expats?

Employment opportunities, minimum wage, and living expenses are among the significant criteria when considering moving to another country. Let’s take a closer look at what Portugal has to offer.

Job Opportunities in Portugal

Moving to Portugal could be beneficial because of the country’s growing economy and the job opportunities that come with it. Industries such as IT, finance, and banking are becoming increasingly popular in the country. Although these kinds of skilled jobs are usually located in the Lisbon Metropolitan area, remote working methods have increased significantly throughout the pandemic in the country. Therefore, if you are looking for jobs in these sectors, you will encounter opportunities for online work. It is important to note that gaining proficiency in the Portuguese language greatly improves your job possibilities.

Companies with remote work options and the IT industry are particularly welcoming to foreign workers. However, competency in Portuguese is frequently required in more conventional industries.

Portugal’s social security system provides benefits, including unemployment insurance, pensions for elderly people, health insurance for illnesses and diseases, death benefits, disability benefits, and compensation for illnesses and injuries received at work. This solid foundation ensures that workers are helped in a range of difficult situations, demonstrating the country’s strong commitment to employee welfare.

In addition to those considering the Portugal Golden Visa as a Plan B, many expats opt for the D7 and D8 visas as their primary choice for a route to Portugal residency. Portugal’s D7 visa, known as the passive income visa, is preferred by individuals with a consistent passive income. For entrepreneurs and independent professionals aiming to establish and expand their businesses in Portugal, the D8 visa serves as an excellent alternative. These visa options cater to a wide range of needs, making Portugal an attractive destination for various types of expats.

What About Portugal’s Minimum Wage?

Knowing how to budget for expenses is important if you’re moving to another country. As of 2024, the legally mandated minimum pay is €820 per month. 11% of your salary is subject to social security taxes.

Cost of Living in Portugal: How Expensive Is It?

When moving somewhere new, you first want to know how much it will cost to live there. We have some great news for those considering moving to Portugal! This country possibly has the lowest cost of living in Western Europe.

Housing costs are generally reasonable in this country. Other living expenses such as grocery shopping and public transportation can also be handled for significantly low amounts. A couple can live comfortably in one of the smaller cities or in the countryside on a pathetic €1,500 per month. Those who wish to reside in bigger cities like Lisbon may expect to pay between €2,000 and €2,500 per month. This is extremely low for the quality of living you will find in Portugal.

Food is an extra component. In many Portuguese cities, traditional marketplaces coexist with supermarkets. Taking advantage of the great weather and going grocery shopping will probably cost you about €200 a month. Notably, goods like wine and olive oil, which are usually regarded as luxury goods, are affordably priced because of local manufacturing.

Benefits of Permanent Residence in Portugal

Moving to Portugal and obtaining permanent residence offers numerous benefits, including access to European-standard social security, healthcare, and education.

One key benefit of permanent residency is access to Portugal’s extensive social security system, which provides pensions, unemployment benefits, and other forms of social assistance. This offers a reliable safety net and a steady quality of life for families. Furthermore, permanent residents are provided with high-quality medical care equivalent to that of Portuguese nationals through the National Health Service (SNS) without having to pay the exorbitant fees associated with private healthcare.

Mobility and education are two other important advantages for long-term inhabitants. Residents’ children can attend public schools that are up to European standards, guaranteeing a strong educational foundation. Moreover, permanent residency permits unrestricted travel in the Schengen Area, promoting trade, tourism, and cultural exchanges between several European nations.

Choosing Your New Home: Portugal Might Be Your Perfect Match

Choosing the best place to live is a really personal choice, so it’s not a simple choice to make. Thus, while choosing to relocate to a new country, you have your own preferences, way of life, and priorities. The world is full of new options when it comes to locations.

In this article, we tried to provide a general overview of key benefits and reasons for the motivation behind moving to Portugal. The country offers several visa programs to acquire residency permits, such as the Portugal Golden Visa program, which is one of the most popular ones for non-EU citizens since it is one of the fastest paths to European citizenship.