
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Reports of stray livestock roaming around Caerphilly

Caerphilly Council is receiving numerous complaints regarding livestock (predominantly sheep) roaming through villages in the Upper Rhymney Valley and Darran Valley.

These animals cause damage to gardens, parks, cemeteries and public open spaces; and pose a serious risk to road users and others when they are on the highway.

The council is working with local farmers, landowners and various organisations to alleviate the problems. Additionally, a contractor has been engaged to collect and impound straying animals on behalf of the council.

You can help the council by:

  • Reporting any damaged or vandalised fences, gates and walls by email [email protected] or by phoning 01443 866571.
  • Ensure all gates are closed after use to keep livestock from entering the village
  • Do not feed or otherwise encourage livestock into the village/town.

Councillor Philippa Leonard the Cabinet Member for Planning & Public Protection said “We are aware of the concerns from residents regarding stray animals and are doing all we can to minimise the problem. We want to improve our environment and protect the health of our residents.

A strong message has been given to local land owners, including farmers, Natural Resources Wales and various Council Departments regarding maintenance of fence lines, gates and walls. Please help us tackle this by reporting any stray livestock so that appropriate action can be taken.”