More than 300 entries were received for this year’s virtual Llanfyllin Show on Saturday which was declared a “great success”.
Due to a ban on mass gatherings during the Coronavirus pandemic, the popular annual event, which is widely known as the ‘friendly show’, was held online.
Show secretary Sian Lewis declared: “Due to the unfortunate circumstances we find ourselves in, we didn’t want anyone to miss out on the hard work and talent that gets displayed in our show every year.
“The virtual show was a great success and a good way of keeping the event in people’s minds this year. We had more than 300 entries, so the judges had a very tough job on their hands.
“We would like to thank the judges and everyone who took the time to enter and hope to see them all on the showfield next year on August 14, 2021.”
President Ianto Jones said: “I was disappointed that the physical show was not held this year, but thankful that the committee managed to organise a successful virtual show.
“I would like to thank our new secretary Sian and everyone else involved for their hard work. We have a very good team and there are a lot of hard workers who are not committee members.
“I hope that Sian’s appointment will encourage other young people to join the committee and bring new ideas, which are important for the show.”
The virtual competitions included the following sections: sheep, horse, cookery, craft, photography, horticulture, children’s horticulture, dogs, gardens and fun. Competitors sent photographs of their entries to be judged.

The results were: Sheep section: Ram one year and over: 1, John Pryce, 2, Alfie Benbow, 3, Kimberly Schaschke. Ram lamb: 1 and 2, John Pryce, 3, Kimberly Schaschke. Ewe one year and over: 1 and 2, John Pryce, 3, Kimberly Schaschke
Ewe lamb: 1, John Pryce, 2, Blake Morris, 3, Kimberly Schaschke. Best dressed young handler: 1, Bella Langford. Fancy dressed young handler: 1, Bella Langford.
Horse section: Prettiest mare under 14.2h: 1, Cathleen Davies, 2, Heather Morris, 3, Amelia Edwards. Prettiest mare over 14.2h: 1, Thomas Mcgurn. Handsomest gelding under 14.2h: 1, Libby Taylor, 2, Karen Williams, 3, Heather Morris. Handsomest gelding over 14.2h: 1, Claire Brook, 2, Morgan Nicholson, 3, Dawn Knibbs.
Hunter or hunter type: 1, Nicky Hughes, 2, Morgan Nicholson, 3, Beryl Gonzalez. Riding horse: 1, Morgan Nicholson, 2, Pebble Knibbs, 3, Pebble Knibbs. Fancy dress: 1, Nicky Hughes. Section A: 1, Claire Brook, 2, Karen Williams, 3, Kate Bateman. Section B: 1, Amelia Edwards, 2, Kate Bateman, 3, Rhiannon Breese. Section C: 1, Rhiannon Breese, 2,Nicky Hughes. Section D: 1, Claire Brook, 2, Pebbles Knibbs, 3, Leanne Coxall.
Cookery section: Decorate chocolate cake: 1, Isabel Herbert, 2, Emmy Nazar, 3, Margaret Herbert. An afternoon tea: 1, Margaret Herbert. Decorated cupcakes: 1, Alana Harries
Craft section: Something made from a toilet roll: 1, Alana Harries, 2, Margaret Herbert, 3, Steven Evans. Photography section: Loved ones: 1, Heather Morris, 2, Danielle Williams, 3, Howells Sisters. Lockdown fun: 1, Heather Morris, 2, Howells sisters, 3, Lienna and Ellis Powell, 4, Sheila Andrews.
Floral art section: Arrangement in a recycled container: 1, Maggie Evans, 2, Margaret Herbert, 3, Margaret Herbert. Arrangement of In the Pink: 1, Maggie Evans, 2, Margaret Herbert.
Horticulture section: Three courgettes: 1, Sheila Andrews, 2, John Langran, 3, Sheila Andrews. A vase of sweet peas: 1, Alfie Benbow, 2, Catrin Jones, 3, Maggie Evans. One rose bloom: 1 and 2, Sarah Howells, 3, Mary Lewis. Tomatoes on a vine: 1, John Langran. One foliage plant: 1, Maggie Evans. Children’s horticulture: Floating flowers: 1, Steven Evans Hughes. Garden in a seed tray: 1, Steven Evans Hughes.
Dog section: Any variety puppy: 1, Kimberly Schaschke, 2, Nicky Hughes. Any variety open: 1, Nicky Hughes, 2, Karen Probert, 3, Lucienne Sutton. Most handsome dog: 1, Kim Evans, 2, Nicky Hughes, 3, Bob Breakwell. Prettiest bitch: 1, Howells sisters, 2, Libby Taylor, 3, Ellie Breakwell. Unusual dog talents: 1, Glesni Woodman, 2, Gemma Lewis, 3, Andrea Price.
Garden section: Best hanging basket: 1, Julie Williams, 2, Julie Williams, 3, Margaret Herbert. Best flower bed: 1, Alfie Benbow, 2, Margaret Herbert. Best vegetable plot: 1, John Langran, 2, Sheila Andrews, 3, Margaret Herbert.
Fun section: Lockdown project: 1, Emma Gerard, 2, Howard Owen, 3, Margaret Herbert.
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