
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

When To Seek Treatment For Your Migraines

Migraines are chronic headaches caused due to stress, irregular sleep patterns, menstruation, menopause, excessive time in front of mobile or computer screens, tiredness, or high reactivity to certain smells, foods, and drinks. The exact cause is still unknown, although there is a temporary minor change in the head’s blood vessels, nerves, and chemicals. These changes cause debilitating headaches, sometimes accompanied by nausea, dizziness, lethargy, blurred vision, diarrhoea, sweating, increased sensitivity to light and sounds, and sweating.

Not everyone with migraines experiences all these symptoms. However, you may encounter some or none of them except the headaches. Some people may even experience a few of these without the headaches. These usually last between three to four hours but may sometimes even last two or three days if not managed correctly. 

The best treatment for migraine headaches is to order Sumatriptan online and ingest it as per the prescribed dosage. Sumatriptan is part of the Imigran family and belongs to the 5HT serotonin receptor agonist class. Sumatriptan helps narrow the blood vessels, thereby inhibiting the pain signals to the brain. 

Most people do not realize they are suffering from migraines and avoid taking trips to the doctor. It is essential to seek treatment at the earliest for your migraines. 

When To Seek Treatment?

Since migraines are not just the ‘common headaches,’ it is essential that you get medical care and attention at the earliest. It is advisable to immediately go to the nearest hospital or doctor and get a complete check-up done. 

These are a few instances when it is essential to seek treatment. They are:

Blurry Vision: 

Blurry vision is a sure sign of an impending migraine attack. Many people lose their vision in one or both eyes, causing mishaps and accidents. Blurry or cloudy vision, sometimes flashing lights, tiny dots (floaters), and more are a cause for concern. Floaters can also cause cobweb-like dots in your vision and make you lose control and fall over. This is especially dangerous while driving, walking, using heavy machinery, or exercising. 

Blurry or cloudy vision is a sign of an ocular migraine and should not be ignored. However, ocular vision symptoms don’t usually last for more than one hour. If the ocular migraine symptoms stay longer than an hour, you must get to the nearest doctor or hospital for treatment. 

Continued Numbness:

People suffering from migraine often report a numbness creeping in on either side of the face. This could feel like tiny pinpricks that then turn numb. The reason for this is unknown but could be related to ocular migraines. However, this is unsubstantiated. The numbness should dissipate within 24 hours, gradually returning the sensation (in stages).

If the numbness persists for more than 24 hours, you should seek medical attention immediately so that it does not become permanent. Continued numbness could lead to temporary facial paralysis. To treat, you can use a warm or cold facial compress. 

Continued Vomiting:

Nausea and vomiting are side effects of migraine attacks. However, these only occur with the deadliest forms of migraine. Many times, nausea and vomiting start soon after the headache. They stop as the headache decreases. However, if the vomiting continues even after the headache has stopped or the nausea increases substantially, it is best to get to the nearest hospital for treatment. 

If nausea and vomiting stop with over the counter medicines or with Sumatriptan, you should ensure that your queasiness and stomach upset is laid to rest and consult a doctor to get further treatment options. 

Nothing Helps Anymore:

Most people with chronic migraine headaches usually know what to do when they feel the onset of a terrible one. Some people go to sleep, some drink caffeinated drinks like cola and coffee, some prefer warm or cold compresses, and some prefer long baths and showers. 

Many others also shut off the lights, create a dark room, reduce the temperature (or increase it), and avoid their mobile and laptop screens. Some prefer taking supplements, doing stretches (like in Yoga), or prefer going for a walk, exercising, swimming, or a jog.

The problem arises when nothing works anymore. If none of the remedies helps decrease the migraine and the medicine stops working, it is time to get urgent medical attention.

Since severe migraines can last up to three days, it is best to get expert advice and treatment options to help control the migraine and ensure that your workday and regular life are not hampered in any way. 

While regular medication helps, it is also necessary to take care of the other aspects of migraine by regularly exercising, drinking caffeinated drinks, sleeping, and relaxing as much as possible.