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Winding House Museum receives prestigious Sandford Award

The Winding House Museum in New Tredegar has successfully been granted the prestigious Sandford Award for Heritage Education 2022.

Part of Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Museum and Heritage Service, the Winding House has been granted the award in recognition of its work in developing and delivering education programmes for local schools.

Over 200 sites in the UK currently hold the Sandford Award, including museums and galleries, historic buildings and gardens, archives and libraries, places of worship, and zoos. To achieve the rigorous assessment criteria, organisations must demonstrate the delivery of high-quality heritage education.

Cllr Jamie Pritchard, the Council’s Deputy Leader, said “This is a fantastic achievement for the Winding House and for us as a Council, and I’d like to thank everyone involved.

“The Winding House is a unique venue built around a 19th century Grade 2* listed winding house and steam winding engine.  It acts as a hub for the local community, as well as a visitor destination and centre for learning.  This prestigious award reflects the variety of educational opportunities offered by the Winding House, combined with the commitment and dedication of the team responsible.”

Susan Walker, Lead Assessor for the Sandford Award, added “The Winding House Museum continues to offer children high quality, hands on learning experiences at a unique site. The excellent school workshops have been carefully and thoughtfully planned, and whether delivered onsite, online or by outreach, are done so professionally, giving children of all ages the opportunity to engage with history in a memorable, exciting and interesting way.”