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3 Outsourced Video Marketing Services Small Businesses Need To Explore

If you run a small business and want to boost your profile and gain a wider customer base, you should consider incorporating video marketing.

Video marketing offers a number of benefits to small enterprises, including helping to improve customer engagement, improving conversion rates, and encouraging more organic traffic to visit your website and explore your products or services.

Of course, at the same time, you are probably questioning how video marketing could be a viable option for your business, particularly if you don’t have the in-house staff or equipment to make it happen. The easy answer to this quandary is outsourcing. Rather than investing significant sums in creating your own videos, it is both more convenient and cost-effective to engage third-party services to take on various essential roles.

With that goal in mind, read on to discover three outsourced video marketing services that can bring some substantial benefits to small businesses.


One of the most vital elements of an effective video is the script. If you have a talented copywriting team on your staff then they may be able to create a winning formula for your videos. However, if you have a particularly small staff, or you don’t currently employ any writing specialists, then it’s probably a good idea to outsource your video scriptwriting – particularly in the case of your explainer video.

Explainer videos are usually placed on the homepage of a company website, and they provide a make-or-break introduction to the business, which can significantly impact whether viewers stick around. That’s why it’s so critical to have an experienced scriptwriter on hand to pen your script – to ensure that your conversion rate is boosted by your explainer rather than tanking.

After all, a knowledgeable scriptwriter will understand how to tailor your script to create a positive impression – and the result will be a tighter, more informative and engaging video that could help significantly boost your conversion rates.

Playout Services

If you really want to make video marketing work for you, then it’s important to work with skilled professionals – people who understand how to create a high-quality viewer experience that matches or exceeds traditional viewing platforms.

That’s where media playout specialists, Red Bee, come to the fore. Their years of experience in broadcast media and beyond allow them to offer a holistic grouping of video content services that can take your small business to the next level. These services include delivering complex linear channels, offering the flexibility to live-stream company events, and ensuring your content is as accessible as possible.

Video Editing

Once you have created your video material and you are satisfied with the quality, you will need to have the video edited to ensure it looks professional and provides a pleasurable viewing experience.

To guarantee the highest levels of quality, it’s a good idea to outsource the editing of your videos to a professional. Not only will they have the skills, knowledge and equipment to make magic out of whatever you send them, but it will also save you a substantial amount of money, as video editing equipment can be very pricey.

Finally, sending your videos out to be edited leaves you and your employees more time to focus on other important aspects of your business – such as coming up with more compelling content to engage with your customers.

Last Thoughts

While many small businesses can handle social media and email marketing campaigns by themselves to great effect, when it comes to harnessing the particular power of video marketing, outsourcing is often the best way to go.

Not only will you benefit from the expertise of experienced professionals, you will also be able to save money and focus on running your business while your video production pros get to work producing marketing content of the highest calibre. It’s a win-win situation.