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Cardiff could get major golfing leisure attraction

Topgolf to drive new era at Cardiff’s International Sports Village, while council tackles waterfront and parking upgrades

A major new golfing leisure attraction could soon be coming to Cardiff International Sports Village (ISV). Proposals to bring a Topgolf venue to the former Toys R Us site, previously earmarked for a new Velodrome, are set to be considered next week.

Topgolf attractions offer hi-tech golf games that everyone can enjoy, along with food and drink, all-weather hitting bays, and music. The leading international sports entertainment company, which currently operates at only four locations in the United Kingdom, is planning a significant investment in Cardiff’s ISV.

The Cabinet will be recommended to enter into an Option Agreement with Topgolf for the former Toys R Us site. If approved, Topgolf would have 18 months to secure planning permission and enter a lease, potentially bringing the golf-based entertainment venue to Cardiff.

The ISV report to Cardiff Council’s Cabinet on Thursday, January 23, also reveals the council is looking to address other improvements in the area. This includes restoring waterfront access by bringing forward clear plans for the ISV boardwalk, which has been closed on safety grounds for several years.

Additionally, a temporary car parking solution is proposed, creating approximately 400 new parking spaces to alleviate congestion and problem parking during peak times. The council intends to meet with local residents shortly to engage directly on these plans.


With regards to the boardwalk the report to Cabinet shows how the Council is proposing to:

  • remove the boardwalk along the length in its ownership.
  • remove current heras fencing and install more permanent fencing to isolate the water’s edge.
  • re-open a temporary path along the waterfront.
  • engage with residents and the owners of privately-owned sections of the boardwalk (also currently closed to the public) with a view to developing a permanent long-term solution for the entire boardwalk.

In the longer-term, the proposal for the areas under Council ownership is to create a land-side promenade along the waterfront. This would form part of wider work to develop currently vacant land at the ISV, by the Council’s appointed developers Orion.

The proposals follow last summer’s submission of several planning applications by Orion. Subject to planning approval, the plans will eventually see more than 1,000 new homes built in the area completing the development.

Cabinet Member for Investment and Development, Cllr Russell Goodway, said: “Boosting our economy and delivering more jobs for local people by establishing Cardiff Bay as a leading UK visitor destination is a key part of our vision for a Stronger, Fairer, Greener for the city.

“Our appointed developers are already progressing well with plans to create a vibrant and high-quality new residential area on land which has been empty and undeveloped for many years.

“Meanwhile, our temporary parking plan and the proposed work to re-open a waterfront path aim to ensure that smooth progress continues, while also securing important short-term environmental improvements for residents already living in the area.

“Finally, the proposed investment by Topgolf in creating their first attraction in Wales, as part of our wider masterplan for the International Sports Village, is also to be welcomed.”

Car Parking

The Council is obligated to deliver a long-term car parking solution for the sports and leisure infrastructure at the International Sports Village. Existing lease and license obligations require the Council to provide a minimum of 600 car parking spaces. This is currently provided at the International Pool and the Ice Arena, with the former Toys R Us car park, providing additional capacity during events. However, the Council is aware that event parking at the ISV peaks at approximately 1,200 spaces.

A financial feasibility study has confirmed that the business case for a Multi-Storey Car Park is not currently affordable. While an affordable long-term solution is identified a temporary parking strategy, utilising undeveloped land to deliver more than 1,000 car parking spaces, is proposed, this would see:

  • The International Pool car park transferred to the car park of the former Toys R Us site until the site is drawn down for development.
  • A temporary car park created on retained Council land adjacent to the Ice Arena, which is earmarked for the long-term solution, and on land included in the Orion Option Agreement, which is likely to be the last area to be developed.

The transfer of the International Pool car park fulfils a ‘lift and shift’ obligation with Orion and would enable this land to be drawn down for development. Meanwhile, the creation of the new temporary car park would result in significant environmental improvement to the site including the removal of existing dilapidated hording and heras fencing, which would be replaced with knee-rail fencing around the site perimeter; clearing and levelling the site; and topping the site with hardcore material.


Topgolf attractions combine hi-tech golf games that can be enjoyed by all, with food and drink, all-weather hitting bays, and music.


The leading international sports entertainment outfit currently only operate at four locations in the United Kingdom and are proposing a significant multi-million-pound investment in Cardiff’s International Sports Village.

The Council is proposing to enter into an 18-month Option Agreement with Topgolf, subject to planning, for the site of the former Toys R Us store.


The Toys R Us site had initially been earmarked for a new Velodrome to release land at Maindy Park for a new High School. However, the Council understands a more suitable site could now be available for the delivery of the school which avoids the need to relocate the Maindy velodrome and so releases the Toys R Us site for another development. A separate report going to Cabinet on Thursday, January 23, will deal with the Education aspects.

Cardiff Council’s Cabinet will meet on Thursday 23rdJanuary to consider the recommendations contained in the report, and a webcast of that meeting will be available to watch from 2pm on the day here.