
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Careers advice and support offered to Newport school pupils

An aerial view at sunrise of Newport city centre

A week-long careers fair is being held at The Riverfront this March where young people will be able to get information and advice to help them plan for the future.

Delivered by Newport City Council’s education and youth services, schools and young people have been invited to meet with local training providers, talk face-to-face with employers and speak to careers advisers for advice and support about the next steps in their education and/or career.

Cabinet member for education, Councillor Deborah Davies, said: “This event is an excellent opportunity for young people, who will be thinking about what to do when they leave school, to have a chat with experts and get advice and guidance. Thank you to all the training providers and employers who are taking part in this important event.”

Moving On will run at the Riverfront Theatre from 20 – 24 March, between 9am and 7pm.