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Council teams up with Bridgend Ravens RFC to tackle issue of irresponsible dog owners

The council’s Dog Fouling Engagement Team with the Council Leader Huw David, Bridgend Ravens Club Mascot Ronnie the Raven, and Bridgend Ravens Team Members Aled Evans and Evan Yardley at Newbridge Fields, Bridgend.

Bridgend Ravens RFC have teamed up with Bridgend County Borough Council to tackle the issue of dog fouling on public playing fields across the county borough.

‘Ronnie the Raven’ and players from the Welsh Premier Division Rugby Club joined the Leader of Bridgend County Borough Council and members from the council’s Dog Fouling Engagement team this week at an event at Newbridge Fields, to promote the responsible disposal of dog waste, and highlight the dangers to human, and pet health, in dog faeces that is left behind.

The event follows previous engagement events that have taken place as part of the council’s recent public consultation to extend its current Public Space Protection Orders in the county borough, which will propose that in all public spaces:

  • Dog owners could be fined £100 if they do not collect and dispose of dog faeces by picking it up in a bag, or other suitable means of collection. The bagged waste should be put in a litter bin, dog waste bin or taken home.
  • Dog owners must carry bags or other suitable means for collecting dog waste.
  • When an authorised officer requests, dog owners must put dogs in their control on a lead for a specific location and duration, making it an offence if they do not, which could also result in a £100 fine.

We hear all too often of players who have sustained awful infections after being injured on pitches and playing fields where dog faeces has been left behind. As a local club, we are aware of our responsibility to the community, and this has been a fantastic opportunity for us to work with the local authority to educate and inform members of the public on the dangers of leaving dog waste on public playing fields, and the significant harm it can cause to rugby and football players. The only fouling that should be seen on a pitch, is from the players!

Craig Thomas, Bridgend Ravens’ commercial manager.

We welcome the support from Bridgend Ravens RFC in raising awareness of the dangers of dog waste left behind on our playing fields across the county borough. Dog faeces can carry harmful bacteria which can remain in soil long after it has decomposed, and children and sports players who use these areas should be able to do so in a safe environment, and without risk

The Leader of Bridgend County Borough Council, Councillor Huw David.