
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Investment approved for Risca and Bargoed regeneration projects

Bargoed and Risca

Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Cabinet has today (15th September) approved an investment of £130,000 to progress proposed regeneration projects in Risca and Bargoed.

An investment of £30,000 was approved to carry out a feasibility study on a brownfield site to the rear of Commercial Street in Risca town centre.  The study will consider options to develop the site into an ambitious mixed-use development.

Cabinet members also approved £100,000 from the Regeneration Project Board Development Fund to invest into deal with the issue of dilapidated, empty and underutilised properties within Bargoed Town Centre.

Cllr Eluned Stenner, the council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for regeneration and economic development, said “The approval of this investment comes as welcome news and will enable us to progress plans to enhance two of the county borough’s key town centres.”