
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Vaping Etiquette: Tips for Enjoying Your Device Without Bothering Others

Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking in recent years. Not only is it seen as a healthier option, but it is also considered more socially acceptable in many places. However, just like smoking, vaping comes with its own set of etiquette rules. In this post, we will discuss some tips on how to vape without bothering others.

1. Know When and Where to Vape

The first rule of vaping etiquette is to know when and where to vape. While vaping is generally allowed in most public spaces in the UK, there are some places where it is not allowed. For instance, you cannot vape on public transport or in enclosed public places like restaurants and bars.

It’s important to respect the rules of the places you visit and follow them accordingly. If you’re unsure whether vaping is allowed, it’s always best to ask before vaping.

2. Use a High-Quality Device

Another important aspect of vaping etiquette is to use a high-quality device. Cheap, low-quality devices can produce a lot of noise and create a lot of vapour, which can be annoying to others.

Investing in a good quality device not only ensures that your vaping experience is enjoyable but also helps you to produce less noise and vapour. You can consult with a vape shop specialist to find the right device for you.

3. Hold Your Vape

Holding your vape for a few seconds before exhaling can significantly reduce the amount of vapour produced. This technique not only reduces the amount of vapour released but also helps to intensify the flavour of your e-liquid.

Holding your vape also ensures that you don’t exhale vapour in someone’s face, which can be quite unpleasant.

4. Exhale Away from Others

When exhaling your vapour, make sure you exhale away from other people. This is especially important if you’re in a crowded space or near someone who might be bothered by the vapour.

It’s also important to be mindful of your surroundings. If you’re in a windy area, try to position yourself so that the wind doesn’t carry the vapour towards other people.

5. Be Considerate

Above all, the key to vaping etiquette is to be considerate of others. If someone asks you to stop vaping, respect their request and move to another area where vaping is allowed.

If you’re in a social setting, it’s always a good idea to ask others around you if they mind you vaping. This not only shows that you respect their opinion but also ensures that everyone around you is comfortable.


Vaping is a great way to quit smoking and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. However, it’s important to remember that vaping etiquette is just as important as smoking etiquette. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy your device without bothering others and be a considerate vaper.

Remember, knowing when and where to vape, using a high-quality device, holding your vape, exhaling away from others, and being considerate are all important aspects of vaping etiquette. By following these tips, you can ensure that your vaping experience is enjoyable for you and those around you.