This year’s Big Lunch was on Sunday 3 June and it saw communities and neighbours from all around Wales come together for the biggest Big Lunch ever.

The Big Lunch is a simple idea that aims to help people to get to know their neighbours, connect communities and banish loneliness by sharing food. The ‘big’ is a reference to the number of people taking part at the same time, while ‘lunch’ is m ore of a suggestion than a rule. The Big Lunch is about getting together to share food and make friends but it is about More Than A Meal.
Lowri Jenkins, Wales co-ordinator for The Big Lunch, said:
“A Big Lunch can be anything from a small gathering in someone’s garden, driveway or the local park, to a larger party with trestle tables down the middle of your street. If the official Big Lunch date isn’t practical for your community, then you can run one at any time you fancy.
“The idea is that by starting simple, all sorts of friendships, ideas and projects can come out of a Big Lunch. It gets people together and talking — and with a few inspired folk, it can lead to people doing great things within their community, and tackling the issues that matter to them most.
“Organising a Big Lunch need not be overly complicated, nor require a lot of resources or money: it can be as big or as small as you like. By making use of what you already have and finding out what others can share, you’d be surprised at what you can all bring to the table!
“We’ve put together everything you need to get you started, including loads of ideas, hints and tips, recipes and inspiring stories from past big lunchers at”
To find out more visit or search @edencommwales
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