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Bike tyre-changing invention from Caerphilly gets worldwide interest

Credit: Caerphilly Council

Tyre Glider is the bike tyre-changing invention that has taken off and turned into a successful business with support from the Council’s Caerphilly Enterprise Fund (CEF).

Kevin Baker, founder of Tyre Glider, came up with the idea after being frustrated by not being able to easily change the tyre on a newly purchased bike due to its complexity. The invention was thought of by Kevin after using a can opener to achieve a similar result to what he needed for his bike.

Kevin had heard of CEF funding via the CCBC website and was informed of the application process after getting in contact. He later received the CEF grant after being successful in his application, which helped to develop the prototype.

Having started the business just over a year ago, an outstanding 50,000 units of the Tyre Glider have been sold worldwide, with distributors in Denmark, Netherlands, and Japan. There are goals this year to get Tyre Glider into more shops within the UK.

Kevin Baker has said, “without the help of CEF funds, I really don’t know how it may have been possible to get Tyre Glider up and running. CEF funds were instrumental in helping to secure the injection moulding tool I needed to manufacture the product.”

“The CEF funds also supported the development of my website and marketing of the business, which, when you’re a start-up and money is very sparse, was again a huge step up on the ladder for me to get some traction in the market and a place where customers could come and purchase the product directly.”

“CEF funds have also allowed me to use a local business to manufacture my product Tyre Glider, with OGM South Wales on Penallta Industrial Estate. I am very proud that it is a fully Welsh operation and not reliant on other countries.”

Cllr Jamie Pritchard, Cabinet Member for Prosperity, Regeneration & Climate Change, said “I was delighted to meet with Kevin to discuss his business and how the funding has helped him progress. He has a very innovative product and we’re pleased the finance secured through the Caerphilly Enterprise Fund has allowed the business to expand.”