
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

CBD misconceptions that need to be set straight

There is a small chance you haven’t already heard about CBD. In fact, you have likely been bombarded with information regarding CBD, its many forms of administration, and the benefits it can have for your health. From eating gummies, chocolate, and other edibles to oral spray or oil and tincture, CBD is pretty much everywhere now, and, understandably, the information can become overwhelming. For this reason, you might have become sceptical towards its actual beneficial properties.

There are a lot of myths around the topic of CBD, which we are prepared to expose. But before getting there, it is essential you understand what CBD is and how it is being made.

First and foremost, CBD is indeed found and extracted from cannabis, known by its scientific name as the cannabis Sativa plant. Cannabidiol, abbreviated as CBD, although psychoactive, is the non-addictive substance found in this hemp plant.

So, now let’s debunk some of the most common myths:

Is it illegal to consume CBD

It isn’t much of a surprise that there are still many people thinking that CBD is illegal. The most logical reason why this happens is due to cannabis being the plant in which this CBD substance is found.

The fact is that marijuana and hemp both come from the cannabis Sativa plant, and cannabidiol can be extracted from either one. The difference is that no matter from which type of plant CBD is extracted, the levels of THC will not exceed 0.3%, which is the requirement for legal production and selling on the market.

As this delta-tetrahydrocannabinol compound is psychoactive, anything that has a content above 0.3% THC is illegal. As CBD products available on the market don’t exceed this percentage, any remedies containing it are, therefore, allowed to be legally produced.

However, it is essential to mention that some CBD products contain a slightly higher percentage of THC. For those, there are some places where the state law permits it to be produced and sold, and you probably need a medical prescription to buy it. In the event of some health conditions, the symptoms might be better alleviated with these products. It is highly recommended you speak to your medical provider.


CBD can cure health conditions

This is one of the misconceptions people tend to have that needs to be treated carefully, as it is not a cure but rather a therapeutic remedy. So, it is important to mention that taking CBD-based products will not cure any conditions or diseases you might have.

Although it is not used as a cure and more research into its benefits is needed, some improvements are being made in treating epilepsy, such as the FDA approved medication containing CBD, which decreases epileptic seizures.

Therefore, it is common that CBD remedies might help alleviate symptoms from certain health conditions or intense treatments such as chemotherapy. Pain caused at the musculoskeletal or nerve level can also be more easily managed by taking CBD products. Not to mention, some have said it helped them in better handling their anxiety or depression disorders.


CBD gives the high sensation

Like CBD being illegal, there is also the misconception that taking anything that contains the cannabidiol substance will give you that high feeling of euphoria and difficulties in concentration.

This could not be more wrong, as the compound that gives all those sensations is THC, which happens when it is in high amounts. Given that CBD products extracted from either the hemp plant or cannabis plant only contain 0.3% THC or none at all, you will not get any of the psychoactive effects by using them. Moreover, you will not become addicted to them either.

CBD can only be smoked

This is a misconception that probably comes from the fact that it is mistaken for CBD extracted from the marijuana plant, which is rich in THC and has intoxicating effects.

However, there are many ways in which you can consume CBD-based products, and these are as follows:

  • Nugs: if you prefer smoking or vaping it, organic CBD nugs are a good option. This is usually the preferred choice as it enters directly into the bloodstream, which means that you might notice the effects much quicker.
  • Edibles: this option is probably the one that comes in a large variety. From gummies, candy, chocolate and cookies, there are many you can try to match your preferences. However, the thing with edibles is that they take much longer to break down, as they first need to be digested. But it might not be an issue for you if the condition you have is not too severe.
  • Pills: similar to edibles, pills are also absorbed much slower. But, if you do not get used to edibles’ taste, this could be the best option for you.
  • Oil/tinctures: these are the types of products you can take sublingually. This is also a faster way of absorption, as it doesn’t need to go through the digestive system.
  • Topicals: CBD-based products can also come as lotions or gel, which can effectively treat arthritis or skin-related conditions.


CBD enough to be used once

As is the case with medication or vitamin supplements, medical professionals also recommend taking CBD products regularly so you can actually notice their positive effects. It can be assumed that if you take CBD just a few times, you might not give enough time for the product to interact with the issue and alleviate the symptoms. It doesn’t matter if it’s oil, tablets or edible, you should be patient and use it as constantly as possible.

Depending on the condition you need CBD for, the dosage can differ. It is important you contact your medical provider on the right dosage and administration way, given your condition. Nevertheless, you can start little by little. You could begin by taking around 20 mg per day and notice how you feel after a few weeks. Research has shown that the dosage of CBD can take up to 800 mg per day. So, it is essential you allow enough time, as there isn’t only one way of consuming CBD.