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How To Avoid Common Agile Pitfalls?

The Agile methodology was born when traditional product development techniques became too sluggish, rigid, and difficult to keep up with business and market demands. Agile has splintered into many methods throughout time, and as a result, Agile procedures vary greatly from firm to organization. Furthermore, many consulting firms and certification programs have added to the confusion when it comes to defining — or even expressing — what Agile is. Agile is a tried-and-true methodology that software development teams worldwide utilize to great success.

Right now, agility is the hottest buzzword. Within Agile Methodologies, businesses have discovered new ways of working to reach their objectives. They can’t help but be happy when they hear about increased production, dynamism, efficiency, and team involvement. But, especially when it comes to changing your business perspective, you shouldn’t run before you can walk.

When it comes to agile methodologies, why do so many organizations implement them wrong? What are the most common pitfalls to avoid, and how can you prevent them?

Continue reading to learn how to avoid common pitfalls when implementing agile approaches.

What Does Agile Mean?

Agile project management and software development is an iterative approach that allows teams to deliver value to clients faster and with fewer headaches. An agile team delivers work in small, digestible bits rather than relying on a “big bang” launch. Because needs, tactics, and results are evaluated frequently, teams have a natural mechanism for adapting to change quickly.

Agile is a software development methodology that emphasizes iterative, short development cycles. The technique includes software delivery over documentation, ongoing communication across teams and users, and flexibility during product development.

Modifiability Of Implementation

Even though Agile is designed to be flexible, there are still principles and best practices to follow to integrate the method into a company’s everyday operations successfully. Although the principle is straightforward, putting it into practice involves time, patience, cultural transformations, and extensive communication within and beyond your team.

Whether you’re the driving force behind adoption, the manager in charge of change management, or the developer in order of new team structures and methods, this list can help you find your path to true software agility:

1. Utilize The Appropriate Tools

Make sure your team’s project management tools are agile-compatible; otherwise, you’ll be stuck from the beginning.

Your job and project management solutions should ideally be built with agile. According to VersionOne’s 12th Annual State of Agile Report, the top-recommended tools among organizations developing with Agile are VersionOne and Atlassian’s JIRA.

Automation testing tools like LambdaTest have emerged as a boon in the simplification of the process. These tools escape the long installation of testing browsers and can run feasibly both locally and on the web.

2. Partner With Third-Parties

Lack of support from key leaders and stakeholders in the outside company is one of the most known reasons for Agile deployment failure that are frequently mentioned (either specific projects or the overall transition away from waterfall). Agile demands significant organizational changes to create self-organized teams and the creation and filling of positions that may not have existed previously. This can cost time and money, cause a temporary halt in initiatives, or cause certain team members to be fearful of change.

If key stakeholders don’t grasp Agile, making that investment based on the promise of better software output is a leap of faith. Most people are hesitant to take that risk.

The best approach to avoid this danger is to speak with stakeholders regularly in order to improve their understanding. This contains a discussion of the importance of agile and how it is being applied. Everyone, especially upper-level management, should be on board and willing to put in the time and money necessary to assure the project’s success.

3. Proficient Intermediaries Can Be Helpful

Developers and executive teams are typically in charge of Agile implementation. This means that middle management is frequently playing catch-up to understand the value and assist in the change process. Ironically, middle management is on the front lines of change management.

Managers in charge of guiding their employees through change, like those in charge of outbound communication, must be invested, grasp the value, comprehend the process, and adopt best practices. They can then become trainers for their teams and assist with outbound communication.

4. Create A Matrix Organization With Distinct Leadership Paths

The basic functional unit of a good Agile deployment is a cross-disciplinary development team focused on a common purpose. This cross-functionality can occasionally result in a loss of focus or functional growth. The matrix structure is designed to address this, as contributors are assigned to two direct managers, each with their responsibilities.

The key to making a matrix organization work is to ensure that each manager’s role is clearly defined. One manager is in charge of the delivery (the software deliverables). The other manager is responsible for a specific function and directs how work is completed (the software language, best practices, functional training).

5. It Is Recommended That Design Sprints Be Implemented

Another issue is beginning development before the design has been finalized or even begun because Agile prioritizes the delivery of a functional product over documentation. This can result in costly rework later to scale products or even get people to use them.

The Agile notion of short delivery cycles is applied to design sprints. You can ensure that any work being groomed has at least wireframes and a sense of the UX requirements by scheduling these sprints to coincide with development sprints. You can also ensure that any sprint work has clear visual principles by scheduling these sprints to coincide with development sprints (when necessary).

6. Consider More Than One “Company Owner” Per Team

This team was able to stay hyper-focused and hyper-effective by establishing defined communication lines and roles for each member.

In addition to having them on the team, invite them to your standups, grooming, planning, and problem-solving sessions. They will be able to integrate more efficiently with development if they cross-train (like writing clear and concise stories). They guarantee that the team understands the importance of their work by representing the user.

7. Meetings Should Be Targeted And Required

Only invite the folks who need to be there to brief and target meetings. During daily standups, do not begin problem-solving. Don’t argue over priority if a sub-group of people has assembled to solve a technical challenge during a sprint. One danger of Agile’s communication value is that it might be taken too far, resulting in too many meetings and insufficient production time.

8. Invest In Small Amounts Of Technical Debt On A Regular Basis

Delivering functional software consistently may pressure teams to ignore technical debt that doesn’t give a clear functional value-add for the firm. It is never easy to choose between “it will perform the same thing, but the code is cleaner” and “it will do something new.” When a growing codebase’s natural entropy is left unchecked, the implications can be disastrous. There may be scaling challenges, delays in adding new features, unexplained bugs, and other issues.

Communicate this risk to the team’s business owners, and agree to devote a modest portion of each sprint to technical debt. If this job is put off for too long, it will eventually be required to halt all new features and repair the problem, and no matter how much communication you have, stakeholders will be unhappy.

9. Prioritize Learning Above Achievement

Any reform will require this cultural shift. Significant changes do not occur immediately; they result from a gradual process with a learning curve. Reframe “failures” as “opportunities” by putting learning ahead of success. The most effective teams understand that failure is an inevitable component of any process, so failing early and inexpensively is the best option. It’s a positive thing, as long as you can use what you’ve learned to improve your chances of success in the future.

10. Invest In A Capable Scrum Master

For this reason, a scrum master should be present throughout the process. They support and advise the people and processes that use the agile mentality to create usable and desirable software.

The Following Are Some Common Mistakes And Their Solutions

Common Error: You Can Avoid Writing More Code By Utilizing Code Modules

When a company reaches a certain scale and has several product lines and business lines, it is inevitable for some of them to appear similar. It seems appropriate to “steal” code from one product and retrofits it into the other when an issue with one seems to have already been addressed in another. Some goods, however, are too complicated for a one-size-fits-all code dump. Making code solves two different challenges while growing with each product as development signs of progress can be difficult.

Solution: Write flexible modular code to ensure that you can repurpose it successfully.

Common Error: Unclear Division Across Different Functional Components

A team can handle development, testing, back-end development, database development, operation and maintenance, architecture design, security, etc. As a result, many handovers happen all the time, from needs to delivery. As you may be aware, a handover entails a period of waiting. Waiting is a waste of time. Handovers must be minimized to maintain team agility. Furthermore, a rigid division of functions results in a significant workload imbalance, which leads to bottlenecks.

Solution: Teams should have overlapping abilities to limit the amount of time spent waiting for another group in the pipeline.

Common Error: Overlooking Redundancies

Employees in the software development industry are frequently organized in a matrix or cartesian grid format. The horizontal axis represents the product or project, while the vertical axis represents the functional team. Many workers are spread across multiple products and projects, which implies that one employee’s workload is frequently overburdened. Because the employee is used in several products, they have numerous to-do lists, making it difficult to notice. Each index has its own set of priorities that aren’t visible to the others.

As a result, they are continuously balancing priorities, resulting in inefficiency. And, because they are working on numerous projects, their lack of focus causes delays for others. As a result, human re-use is essentially a trade-off between lower business reaction time and personnel cost efficiency.

Solution: To ensure the quality of your product, do not stretch your employees too thin.

Common Error: Underestimation of Agile Techniques

Some businesses describe agile transformation merely as the application of platforms. Agile involves using Kanban and doing standup meetings; DevOps consists of using CI/CD tools and automated testing purchases an automated testing platform. The most important components of agile are people and interactions, not processes and technologies. Individuals and interactions are more essential than systems and equipment when getting things done faster and producing better results. Buying many tools and claiming to be agile is a waste of time.

You can use cloud-based Selenium Grids to ensure fast and smooth automation using automated browser testing platforms like LambdaTest.

Solution: Individual interactions should be agile. Continue to use the tools and processes, but keep the person involved.

Common Error: Delayed Upscaling

Many IT firms do not place a premium on staff training. Many trainers claim to have invested a significant amount of time and effort in training employees to have them swept up by competitors. If this happens, a corporation should ask itself, “Why can’t I keep great people?”

Employees appear to be a company’s most valuable asset on the surface, but businesses regard them as interchangeable parts that may be changed at any time. The development of software isn’t like moving bricks since it involves an element of uncertainty and variability. Developers are designers, not producers. For the designer, the cost of replacement is relatively expensive.

Solution: Spend as much effort developing talent as you do developing software. Maintaining well-trained personnel boosts morale, reduces turnover, and even prevents poaching.


Bring agile to your company, and don’t be scared to make a few mistakes in the name of improving your teams. Keep these few points in mind, and you’ll begin to enjoy the benefits and establish processes that organically work for your team in no time. It’s a cultural shift that requires complete commitment. Changing everyone’s mindset is the first and hardest challenge.