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Understanding Thatcham S5 and S5 Plus Trackers: Enhancing Vehicle Security

Car theft remains concerningly high in the UK, but Thatcham S5 and S5 Plus trackers can make a difference. Find out about their features and benefits.

In 2024, one vehicle was stolen every five minutes in England and Wales, while the rest of the UK also faced shockingly high car theft rates. While these statistics are alarmingly high, there are ways to protect your vehicle, and Thatcham S5 and S5 Plus trackers are some of the best. Discover their features, benefits, and differences, and find out how these devices, approved by vehicle security experts Thatcham Research, can enhance your car’s security.

Thatcham S5 Trackers

Incorporating robust features and technology, Crystal Ball’s Thatcham S5 trackers meet most insurance providers’ requirements for enhancing car security and theft prevention. Their main features include:

GPS and GSM technology: The Thatcham S5 tracker’s GPS/GLONASS and GPRS technology enable precise location tracking, while its GSM technology enables the trackers to communicate via 4G mobile networks. 

Benefit: These trackers enable the police to find and recover your vehicle swiftly if it’s ever stolen.

Automatic Driver Recognition (ADR): S5 Thatcham trackers come with unique driver ID tags. If these tags aren’t present when your vehicle is started or moves, the tracker will alert you and a 24-hour monitoring centre about potential theft. 

Benefit: Drivers are identified while the system protects your vehicle against key cloning or relay attack-related theft.

Tow and tamper alerts: Motion-detecting technology alerts you and the monitoring centre if the tracking system is tampered with or if the vehicle is towed or moved without authorisation.

Benefit: Alerts enable the police to respond quickly to potential vehicle theft.

UK and European coverage: Thatcham S5 vehicle trackers provide vehicle tracking throughout the UK and Europe.

Benefit: Far-reaching vehicle tracking coverage offers peace of mind.

Remote immobilisation (optional): If you choose the optional remote immobilisation feature, you can immobilise your vehicle remotely via an app whenever you’re notified about suspected tampering or theft.

Benefit: This feature either prevents thieves from getting away with your car or starting it again once they have turned off the engine.

Thatcham S5 Plus Trackers

Crystal Ball’s Thatcham S5 Plus trackers have all the features of the S5 and more.

The biggest difference between the S5 and S5 Plus Thatcham trackers is the S5 Plus enhanced remote immobilisation feature, which works with ADR. This feature will immobilise your vehicle automatically if the driver ID tag is not present when someone tries to start it, preventing thieves or unauthorised individuals from driving off with it.

Enhance Your Vehicle’s Security

With recovery rates higher than 96%, Thatcham S5 and S5 Plus trackers are powerful tools for enhancing the security of your vehicle and protecting it from theft. Use them with other traditional vehicle security measures such as alarms and steering locks. Give yourself peace of mind with a vehicle tracking name you can trust.