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My Hair Is Thinning! How To Treat Male Hair Loss

Do you remember the episode in the annual Treehouse of Horror series of The Simpsons called “Terror of Tiny Toon” in which Homer uses the scalp of an executed convict as a toupee? Yes, that episode. To most men living in fear of male pattern baldness, we’re sure that’s what hair loss feels like to you because if you could choose to keep your hair, we’re confident you would.

According to research, around 6.5 million men in the UK will struggle with some form of male pattern baldness in their lives. Therefore, when you start noticing excess strands on your pillow or thinning where it would typically be thick, it can cause the fear to accelerate. Even if time hasn’t caught up to your hairline, it’s essential to be proactive about hair loss while you have it.

Fortunately, there are various ways to treat male hair loss, from wearable devices and procedures to over-the-counter tablets like Dutasteride and supplements, some gimmicks, and others worth every penny. But how do you separate the gags from the gems? We list some of the most popular ways to treat male hair loss to help you below:

Don’t Wait To Take Action

There’s no time like the present; as soon as you notice a lack of hair on your head, excess strands on your pillow, or shedding in the bathroom sink, you must start to do something about it immediately. Not delaying acting against hair loss is essential during the early stages of hair thinning or male pattern baldness, as most treatments are more effective the earlier you start them.

Not only can early action increase the chances of a treatment’s success, but it can also affect the amount of hair you lose. Your best chance of treating it successfully is to speak to a doctor straight away who can refer you to a dermatologist.

Upon meeting with a dermatologist, your condition will be assessed then your options will be explained to you. Although, depending on the severity of your case, some treatment options may not be available to you, the licensed professional you choose to approach should be able to give you solutions tailored to your results.

Research Over The Counter Or Online Medication

Once you’ve discussed your options with your chosen dermatologist, you can begin thinking about the solutions you’ve been presented with and which ones you might pursue. One of the most popular options for treating hair loss in males and females is using over the counter or online medications such as dutasteride, finasteride, minoxidil, and many more.

Typically, there are two main types of prescription drugs used to treat male pattern baldness in the UK, which is as follows:

  • Finasteride – Taken orally, Finasteride is taken daily and can only be prescribed by your doctor. It can take between three months of daily use to see results.
  • Minoxidil – Designed to be rubbed directly onto the scalp, Minoxidil comes in a liquid form and should be applied twice daily to encourage hair growth and prevent further loss. It can take up to four to six months to see any results, yet this depends on how much you use and apply it.

These are the only two medications licensed for male hair loss in the UK, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other options, as you could also consider using Dutasteride. Despite being approved as a treatment for baldness in other countries, Dutasteride isn’t yet licensed in the UK for male hair loss, but just because it isn’t licensed yet doesn’t mean you can’t use it.

If you’ve tried finasteride and minoxidil and have had no luck, you could consider using online pharmacies like Oxford Online Pharmacy to purchase Dutasteride for hair loss. Aside from retailing various medicines, their website also features informative guides about skin conditions, men’s health, and smoking cessation, helpful blog posts, and much more. Consider visiting their website or contacting a team member directly to see how they could help you treat hair loss today.

Make Changes To Your Lifestyle  

Another way that you can treat thinning hair that isn’t entirely focused on medication is by making changes to your lifestyle. Some of the best lifestyle choices to make for male hair loss are as follows:

  • Smoking Cessation – If you’ve been smoking for a while, you probably know how damaging cigarette smoke is for your lungs, but you might be less aware of its effect on your hair. Since smoking tobacco can damage the circulatory system, the blood flow to your hair follicles can become restricted, meaning that your scalp won’t receive enough nutrients, which can cause damage to your existing hair and accelerate hair loss. If you smoke, cessation can help prevent hair loss.
  • Stop Stressing – Nobody likes being stressed, and as it turns out, neither does your body. Stress can affect our mood, behaviour, and even our outward appearance, such as our nails, skin, and even our hair. Therefore, if you’re particularly prone to stress, you should practice coping strategies to help you reduce it, like exercising regularly, getting the recommended amount of sleep for your age, practising mindfulness, listening to music, and much more.
  • Eat A Balanced Diet – Ensuring that you eat a healthy, balanced diet and drink the recommended water allowance daily is another lifestyle change to consider if you want to minimise your risk of hair loss. Including a variety of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats in your diet are essential for keeping your whole body healthy. Try including a mixture of high-protein, iron-rich foods and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as these are the best for ensuring your body performs optimally.

Look Into Wearable Devices

Another suggestion that may have been outlined to you by your dermatologist is wearable devices for stimulating hair growth. At first, you may have been a little puzzled about how a helmet-like device could help save the strands of hair on your head, but once you start researching further, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Nowadays, various wearable devices claim to magically restore your hair to how it was in your youth; however, not all of them are the miracle workers they claim to be. Additionally, they don’t come cheap at a miracle price, so you must research and not be tempted to invest in the first one you see with good reviews.

Most wearable hair devices use laser technology like low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to stimulate growth on the scalp so that the follicles are encouraged to grow back faster, stronger, and thicker. Depending on your preference, you can choose to get this treatment done by your dermatologist or purchase devices that allow you to do it from the comfort of your own home.

However, sessions of laser therapy can cost upwards of thousands of pounds. So, although the sticker price of some wearable devices might be jaw-dropping, once you compare the cost of a couple of sessions with your dermatologist versus the one-off price of a machine, you might find that you’ll get more of your money’s worth by opting for a home-treatment option.

As you can see, there are plenty of options available to try that could help you combat hair thinning. If you are experiencing hair thinning, keep some of the tips mentioned above in mind.